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Just like you KNOW that you are either 'male or female'; there's no question in your heart about whether you are 'male or female'; --- so likewise you would KNOW when you are chosen by Jehovah God. Since you're asking the question, that indicates that you are NOT chosen as yet (otherwise you would know that you are chosen, and wouldn't be asking.) God does not leave his chosen ones 'wondering'.

1) One of the first steps to becoming 'chosen' by God; is for you to: -- get to know Jehovah personally / intimately.

You do this by reading his words in the Bible; studying The Bible; and deeply meditating on what you read.

For example: You can look at it this way:

If you're wanting to get to know another person, and have a relationship with him/her; What is the very first thing you get to know about that person? Even before you get to know their personality, you get to know their NAME. Yet many religious people who think they are chosen, do not even know this first thing about developing a close relationship with someone. They do not even know God by his personal name, which he has revealed in his word approx 7,000 times. That's more times than all the 'titles' for him - combined. More times than the words: God, Lord, Almighty, Eternal, Father, etc etc COMBINED.

God's name is Jehovah. God's name is NOT Jesus. Jesus is the Son of Jehovah. Many people who think they are chosen, worship Jesus. They call themselves 'Christians'. But only one group of people are called by God's personal name. They can help you learn more about Jehovah God; while others focus more on his Son, than on Jehovah; because others hardly ever calling God by his Name, except in a disparaging and haphazard way.

How you feel about using God's name, has a lot to do with becoming 'chosen' by Him. Jesus said in the Lord's Prayer for us to "Hallow God's Name". Yet most people 'hallow' the name of his Son. One must recognize Jehovah God first; and after that we must also recognize his Son's place in Jehovah's purpose.

2) After knowing God by name; then you want to learn about God's personality; about his 4 cardinal attributes. (This is just as when you get to know a friend; you learn about their personality, their likes / dislikes. Then you are either drawn to them; or, no relationship happens.)

Consider this: Many people who think they are chosen, believe in a god that 'torments' people 'eternally'. This is the personality of the god they worship -- a tormentor.

But Jehovah's people do NOT worship such a god who would 'eternally torment' anyone. They believe that the Number 1 cardinal quality of Jehovah is: LOVE, Compassion, Mercy, Kindness. God would NEVER -- 'CHOOSE' -- someone who thinks he's an 'eternal tormenting' god. (That concept is the antitheses of what Jehovah is all about; it is an anti-Jehovah concept. (If you were God, and someone viewed you as a 'tormentor', would you 'choose' them?)

3) Next, you would need to know 'what Jehovah REQUIRES of you'. You want to learn about 'right and wrong', 'good and bad', 'proper and improper'. You want to learn about 'righteousness', about 'morals' which he has commanded. Jehovah would never 'choose' someone who flagrantly violates his righteous requirements.

4) While you are learning all those things - - along the way, you will learn many more things about Jehovah God. Then, he might 'choose' you. But God does NOT just choose someone who, all they know is that he exists, has a Son, who died for us. That's a good start; but it's not enough. (Many will try to fool you that that's all that's required.)

So if you are truly thinking about God; you must GET STARTED right away. Start learning about him. Pray to him, using his personal name; -- plead with him for true knowledge. Those kind of prayers, Jehovah God answers. You will do fine. Keep up the good work.

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