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It's all about your attitude. PMA. Positive Mental Attitude will always take you places.

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Q: How can good things come from bad situations?
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What does No Hay Mal Que Por Bien No Venga mean in English?

Literally it means "There is not bad from which good doesn't come", and it's a term used to mean "Good things come out of bad situations".

What does Buddhism teach about good deeds and bad deeds?

They Believe in Karma. Do bad things, they will come back and haunt you, do good things and it will come back and do good things back.

Why do good things happen to bad people?

The distribution of good and bad events in life is often random and not determined by a person's moral character. Good things can happen to bad people due to factors such as luck, circumstance, or the actions of others. It is important to remember that one's character is defined by how they respond to both good and bad situations.

Good and bad are names readily transferable to that or this?

This statement suggests that what is considered good or bad can vary depending on perspective and context. It implies that labels such as "good" and "bad" are subjective and can be applied to different situations or things based on individual interpretation.

Do people with Tourette's Syndrome say good things instead of bad in some cases?

Most of the time they'll say bad things...the good things will come if there uh "happy"

What does this phrase means '' what goes around comes around?

Karma If you do good things, good things will happen to you. If you do bad things, it will come back to haunt you.

Do bad things come from Satan or does God allow bad things to happen?

Bad things come from nature, such as storms, famine, drought, etc. Bad things caused by people come from bad choices.

What are some situations where friction is good and some where friction is bad?

Friction is good in situations like walking or driving a car, where it provides traction to prevent slips and skids. Friction is bad in situations like mechanical parts rubbing together, where it can cause wear and heat generation, leading to inefficiency and potential damage.

You can make the best of a bad situation --they make diamonds out of coal.?

Answer Another saying is, "when you get lemons make lemonade." It means do the best you can when in a bad situation, stay positive, and don't let the circumstances drag you down. Try to learn something from it. Sometimes good things come out of bad situations. Stay open-minded about it and you might find something good hidden in there.

What can you learn from the book of Pollyanna?

You can look for the good in bad situations.

What is the meaning of the idiom 'to pay it forward'?

It is related to a number of similar idioms, such as "What goes around, comes around" and the concept of Karma. The basic premise is that by doing good things now for others, eventually good things will come to you. Or if you do bad things, eventually bad things will come around to you. You are 'paying in advance' for things that will pay you back in the future.

If good people always do good things and bad people always do bad things why does religion make good people do bad things?

Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.