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It's altimately their decision in the end if they want to stick with their roots, or switch things up and decide what would would be a better lifestyle for you and your family financially, physically, and emotionally.

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7y ago

If one of your Dad comes from one cultural group and your Mum comes from another, then you might related to both cultural groups.

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Q: How can an individual belong to more than one cultural group?
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How can one individual belong to more than one cultural group?

If one of your Dad comes from one cultural group and your Mum comes from another, then you might related to both cultural groups.

Can an individual belong to more than one culture group?

It's altimately their decision in the end if they want to stick with their roots, or switch things up and decide what would would be a better lifestyle for you and your family financially, physically, and emotionally.

What word is a group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area?

conspecific: Two or more individual organisms, populations, or taxa are conspecific if they belong to the same species.

When more than one cultural group lives in an area this is called an?

Cultural diffusion By doctor. Nomy

What animals belong to the horse group?

they belong to vertebrate's. If you want to learn more they are mammals.

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What vertebrate group does donkey belong to?

Donkeys belong to the class Mammalia. More specifically, they belong to the order Perissodactyla. Within that order, they belong to the family Equidae.

Why there is a need to study ones culture relative to the same cultural behavior?

Studying one's culture relative to the same cultural behavior helps to understand the variations within a culture and the factors that influence these differences. It allows for a deeper analysis of cultural norms, values, and practices within a specific cultural group, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of cultural dynamics and their impact on individual behavior.

To what family do moonflowers belong?

Moonflowers belong to the Ipomoea family. More than 500 species are counted in this large group.

What word is a group of individuals that belongs to the same species and live in the same area?

conspecific: Two or more individual organisms, populations, or taxa are conspecific if they belong to the same species.

Why do you tend to stereotype groups to which you do not belong instead of groups you do belong?

We usually stereotype groups to which we do not belong to. For example the poor usually stereotype the rich and the rich usually stereotype the poor. We tend to stereotype groups to which we do not belong instead of groups we do belong to because the more individuals in a group we know personally, the more difficult it is to believe a stereotype about them. We usually stereotype groups to which we do not belong to. For example the poor usually stereotype the rich and the rich usually stereotype the poor. We tend to stereotype groups to which we do not belong instead of groups we do belong to because the more individuals in a group we know personally, the more difficult it is to believe a stereotype about them.

What are the differences between group and individual counselling?

Individual counseling would involve the counseler(s) and a single counselee. Group Counseling would involve not only the counseler(s) but more than one counselee.