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You need to pray for god to direct your path. If its meant to be then it will happen.

Perhaps studying your Bible would help also. Check out the passages regarding uneven yoked partners. You may wish to also ask why you believe that you are in love with someone that does not love what you love. To have a partner not love God as you claim to love him seems to prevent true love from developing. It certainly is talked about being avoided in The Bible for obvious reasons. You may well find that you are not really a Christian at all. Why try to listen to the Bible at all and cause future issues?

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15y ago
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10y ago

Generally you marry a Christian just like you would marry anyone else. In the United States you need a license and what ever else the State requires. Most Christians marry in the church and many times counseling is required by the person (Pastor etc.) who is going to marry you. Some Christians get married in Wedding Chapels, by a Justice of the Peace etc.

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9y ago

In that most western countries prohibit bigamy, as a result the potential partners must be prepared to demonstrate to whatever marriage license granting body that they are free to marry.The religion of choice either party is not an issue.

If a "church" wedding is desired some clerical arm Wrestling may be required or church shopping. It is however their wedding and their choice.

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15y ago

I guess one of them has to convert, it happens most of the time.

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