Jewish Christians at first continued to worship on the Sabbath (Saturday), but very early after that they started their public worship on the "first day of the week" (Sunday) as that was the day that Jesus Christ resurrected. Most of Christianity worships on Sunday even to this day. It is not only a day of worship, but also a day of rest (Usually) and fellowship with other Christians or family.
In my church on Sunday we have Sunday school, a worship hour, then Sunday night we have a time of singing and another preaching service. On Wednesday we have a bible study.
The fourth commandment!
The fourth 'commandment' is to keep Shabbat which Jews most definitely do.
The fourth commandment is about observing the Sabbath day and keeping it holy. The violations is working during the Sabbath instead of going to church for worship.
There is no such commandment. The reason for this notion is a tradition that started with the commandment "Keep Holy the Sabbath Day." It was interpreted to mean that people should not labor gainfully on the Sabbath. Sunday is, however, not the Sabbath. The fact that Sunday is the holy day of the week is a Christian tradition.
Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you, Exodus 20:12
dont be greedy etc
They Just Had To Obey Their Mother's And Father's Orders
The actual Christian 5th commandment says nothing about steroid use - it's "honor thy father and thy mother". If you're referring to the movie, "The fifth commandment", I don't know.
The words "with sheets" is added after the pigs move into the farmhouse.
Benjamin reads the Fourth Commandment to Clover in George Orwell's "Animal Farm." The Fourth Commandment states, "No animal shall sleep in a bed." Clover is initially confused by the change in the commandment that she remembers, thinking it initially prohibited animals from sleeping in beds with sheets.
Yes, the fourth commandment instructs us to honor and obey our authority figures, such as parents, teachers, and government leaders. However, if they ask us to do something that goes against our moral principles or the teachings of our faith, we are not morally obligated to obey them.
The fourth commandment does not say anything about obeying leaders it says remember the sabbath and keep it holy. It is saying we should put one day aside to be a day to focus on God through praise and worship preferably with other believers.