

Best Answer

David H. Stern

David Stern (MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary) is the translator of the Jewish New Testament and the Complete Jewish Bible.

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Write to Zondervan authors or their estates in care of Zondervan. Your mail will be forwarded as soon as possible, but please note that the author might not be able to respond personally. email or send postal mail to:

David H. Stern

c/o Zondervan

ATTN: Author Care

5300 Patterson SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49530

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Q: How can I contact David H Stern regarding his Complete Jewish Bible?
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The Complete Jewish Bible is a translation for whom?

The complete Jewish Bible is a translation for American people or people that can only speak English. This way everybody who can speak English, can read the Jewish Bible.

What is the complete set of the jewish holy books called?

The Tanakh (Jewish Bible).

Where to find Yah in the bible?

Primarily, you will find this term in a Jewish Bible as it is the shortened or poetic form of the Holy Name of God 'YHWH' which is unspeakable. In the Complete Jewish Bible, there are 155 entries for 'Yah' similar to this one:Exodus 15:2Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)2Yah is my strength and my song,and he has become my salvation.This is my God: I will glorify him;my father's God: I will exalt him

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There is no such thing as 'the rabbinic curse'. That is a false claim made by some Christian sects regarding sections of the Tanach (Jewish Bible).

Where can the Jewish Bible be obtained?

The Jewish Bible, also commonly referred to as the Hebrew Bible, can be found through various online resources such as bible study tools, torah, and my Jewish learning. Popular retailers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble also sell complete versions of the Jewish bible. Most Orthodox Jews recommend the Art-Scroll English Translation and most Conservative Jews recommend the JPS English Translation. Reform and Reconstructionist Jews do not have a translation preference.

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What is the Jewish equivelent of the Bible?

Surprise! The entire "old testament" is the translation of the Hebrew/Jewish Bible.

What nationality was Joseph in the bible?

He was Jewish. Jesus was Jewish, Mary was Jewish.

What kind of writings are in the Jewish Bible?

See the attached Related Link for a synopsis of the books of the Jewish Bible.

What prophets are not in bible?

The Tanach (Jewish Bible) includes the Jewish prophets, it does not include the prophets of other religions.

Why does the 'Complete Jewish Bible' say Messiah instead of Christ in the 'King James' version of the Bible in the New Testament?

Because when anything is being translated from one language to another, different people will use a different word which means the same thing. The Hebrew word 'Messiah' is translated as 'Christos' in the Greek, and this is then translated as "Christ' in English, but it all means the same thing. It is to be expected that the 'Complete Jewish Bible' would therefore use the Jewish word 'Messiah' , while the English 'King James' would use 'Christ'.

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the Jewish bible