

Best Answer

* catholic--- equal as men muzlem--same Asian religions--femals don't have many rights

** It depends on lots of things: where the women live, whether they are wealthy or poor, whether they are educated, and which religious practices are commonplace in their culture.

It's important to recognise the interplay between religion and culture. For example, in the UK we sometimes hear people complain about the headcoverings worn by Muslim women, but we don't object to nuns who wear something very similar! It is OK to wear a veil if you're Christian, but not if you're Muslim?

And what about all that wearing of hats at weddings? Is that a sign of oppression of women?

And is it different again for married Jewish women who wear wigs over their natural hair? Is a wig different from a veil?

In Saudi Arabia, women aren't allowed to drive. But everywhere else in the Muslim world women do drive. What's behind this - religion or culture?

I don't think any of the world's major religions treat women as equal to men. But then, neither do the world's major political territories.


Women and ChristianityFor Christianity, The Bible gives women a very high position. Genesis 1:27 says God created woman (along with man) in the image of God, therefore inherently deserving of respect and equal with the male. In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ calls us to the highest standard: "everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (ESV). By calling us away from lust, and calling for modesty (I Timothy 2:9), Christ protects the dignity of woman as a creature in the image of God, and prohibits the objectification of women. Yet Christianity also celebrates the beauty of woman as a good gift of God, seen in passages such as Genesis 12:11 and Song of Solomon 4.

Scripture calls for women to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24), not because of inferiority of inherent worth but because of God-ordained gender roles as the basis for functional family units and society. Husbands are called to selflessly serve their wives as Christ loved His church and gave Himself for her, as opposed to all philosophies that lead to male chauvinism. Women, too, are called to joyful submission in marriage because this union is a picture of the church's joyful submission as a bride to her figurative husband, who is Christ (Ephesians 5:22-33). In I Corinthians 11:5, we see that the early church held that women should cover their heads, which was a necessary sign of submission to her husband in that culture, distinguishing her from women who would be considered immoral. Psalm 127 holds childbearing in high esteem, and holds a mother in honor. Scripture does not forbid women to use their talents and skills, but praises a woman who is industrious (Proverbs 31).

I Timothy 5 notes that older women are to be held in respect and honor, and that younger women are to relate to "older women as mothers." The church is also instructed to honor genuine widows, and Christians are told to assume the responsibility of care for them.

Ultimately, we must not judge a religion's treatment of women by its claimed practitioners. Many Christians from ancient times until today have not treated women rightly. When we judge, we must examine how a particular faith's teachings treat women and judge its practitioners by what they claim to hold.

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Q: How are women treated in the different world religions?
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