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It depends on the church, of course, but most have a plan or budget, in which they pay staff, pay utilities, have missions, take care of needy, etc.

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Q: How are tithe distributed to local churches?
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In the context of france what was 'Tithe'?

Tithe was a tax to churches or religious places!

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Its Eulogia

we need food clothing school bags pens excercise books toys to be distributed among needy children can you send?

Contacting some local churches in your area might help.

What does Deuteronomy chapter 26 verse 12 mean?

Deu 26:12 "Every third year give the tithe---a tenth of your crops---to the Levites, the foreigners, the orphans, and the widows, so that in every community they will have all they need to eat. When you have done this, The Jews were to offer a second tithe, called the festival tithe, which was to be shared with the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow every third year. This tithe was to be distributed to the needy in their own towns.

Are there churches that don't teach tithing?

In the bible the one tenth tithe is for the priests in the temple ,Jesus did not mention any amount to be given but from the heart it should be given.

You pay your tithe to the church but who does the church tithe to according to the Bible?

When you pay your tithe to the church, they only hold it in trust for God. It is He who says how it will be spent. Unfortunately, because most church ministers do not have any regular employment except as religious leaders. the churches High Council steal part of the tithing to pay the ministers wages. They excuse this stealing because their ministers are (Employed) by the church and so deserve a wage.

What should one do with their tithe while between churches?

Tithing is not a part of New Testament Christianity. Nowhere in the Bible are Christians commanded to tithe. Tithing was replaced with giving.Now if you want to give money you can do so. The money you give can go to anything or anyone. Your giving is not limited to the church. And you don't have to give 10 percent. You can give more or less based on how the Spirit directs you to give.Your Tithe Experthttp:/

What is a church donation?

A church donation, simply speaking, is a gift of money you give to a local church community. Often this is amount is separate from "tithe." Tithing is when Christians give the first 10% of their income to the church, usually on a weekly basis. Donations can occur at any time or for any reason, but are generally contributions given to some project (i.e. helping orphans in Uganda). Churches are almost always 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, thus both tithes and donations are tax deductible.

How many times did medieval people go to a tithe barn?

Medieval people typically went to the tithe barn once a year to pay their tithes. Tithes were a form of tax or contribution, usually one-tenth of a person's income or produce, which was collected by the church. The tithe barn served as a storage facility for the tithes until they were distributed or sold.

Where can one find a listing of local Methodist churches?

One can find a listing of local Methodist churches from newspaper, magazine, flyer, and brochure advertisements where churches commonly advertise. Online websites like Find-A-Church allow one to search for a local church near him or her.

Who was in charge of the Tithe barn?

the church owned the tithe barn and they put all there tithes (a tenth) in the tithe barn

Should pastors get paid at local churches?

They are not paid