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beacuse mehdi belive mehdi as come

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Q: How are mehdi pathans different from sunni Muslims?
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What are the names of the different types of Muslims?

Sunni Muslims Shia Muslims

What is Ismali Muslim?

Ismali Muslims are a sect of Islam. They are Shia Muslim, and have different ideals to that of Sunni Muslims. They are less strict and practicing than Sunni Muslims.

Where can shiites and sunnis be found?

Located in different countries even in USA. but Shia Muslims are centered in Qum, Iran. and Sunni Muslims are different branches. the Wahhabi Sunni Muslims are centered in Najd, Saudi Arabia and non-Wahhabi Sunni Muslims are centered in al-Azhar university of Egypt.

The Ottomans were what type of Muslims?

Most of them were Sunni Hanafis.

Is imraan khan a sunni or shia?

Khans can never be shia, In India, they are all non-speaking pashto and are descendents of Afghans that migrated to India after cruel rotten safvid dynasty took over Persia. Pathans are 100% Muslims Hanafi Sunnis.

Are the Muslims in Morocco Sunni or Shi'a?

the Muslims in morocco are sunni

Is Lebanon sunni or shiite?

The people of Lebnon have different religions like CHristian, Islam,.. and Muslims there are both shia and sunni. but Hezbollah in Lebanon are shiite Muslims.

85 percent of Muslims are?


What is percentage of shi'a in Egypt?

at least 1% of egypt population are shia muslims. but sunni/shia relation in egypt is different of other countries. in egypt shia and sunni have close relation and sunni muslims love 12 Imams of shia and sunni muslims of egypt can be called nearly shia. there is no shia/sunni conflict in egypt. egypt Muslims are mostly fatemi that are lovers of Imam Ali and Ahl al Bayt.

Are there more Sunni Muslims or Shiite Muslims?

There are more Sunni Muslims than Shiite Muslims. Shiite Muslims represent about 15% of the global Islamic community whereas Sunni Muslims represent 85%. The numbers of the other sects are negligible.

How are sunni Muslims different than Shia Muslims?

The Sunni believed that agreement among Muslims should settle religious and worldly matters. Shi'ah believed only imams should decide religious and worldly matters.

Are Palestinians Muslims?

Most Palestinians are Sunni Muslims with a minority of Christians.