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Islam expanded vastley to Iraq, syria,the persian empire, the byzantine empire, and the Roman Empire. It battled armies from 1,000 to 90,000 men! How it did this, was due to the sharp military minds of the greatest generals in history.

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It expanded north. But eventually south, east, and west.

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It first spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

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Q: How and where did Islam expand?
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Who expand Islam?

Islam was expanded by the 4 caliphs and by the people of India. and by prophet mohummad pbuh

What period did Islam expand from Persia to Egypt?

One where there was plenty of blood

How did the Muslims empire expand?

Islam initially expanded through military conquest.

Did Islam expand to North Africa?

Yes. Islam arrived in Egypt by 640 C.E. and as far west as Morocco by 680 C.E.

What were the duties of a caliph?

their duties were to expand Islam to do this they used well trained armies

How did the Muslims expand their empire?

Islam initially expanded through military conquest.

How did Islam expand womens rights?

By teacing them certain principles and limits compared with men and increasing their respect.

Why and how did Islam expand?

In short islam expanded through various (non-violent) ways, such as in malaysia Islam came there by trading as muslims from makkah went over there and showed the honesty and trade rules which Islam set which they did not follow before Islam, They were impressed by the trading teachings and converted. The reason it spread is because for muslims it is a duty for them to spread it and show others what islam has to offer.

What land masses did Muslims expand Islam to in 750 ce?

Islam had control of the Middle East, the western part of South Asia, North and East Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula by 750 C.E.

Who were the warriors for Islam and what was their job?

The warriors for Islam were known as the "ghazis" or "mujahideen." Their primary role was to defend and expand the territory of the Islamic empire through military conquests. They fought in various battles and campaigns to uphold the spread and dominance of Islam.

Why did so many people convert to Islam when the Muslim Empire Expanded?

it is not for sword of Muslims.when Islam expand to a country Muslims teach about Islam to people and people think and accept Islam.this is when people learn truth bout Islam. but usually non-Islamic governments and also Church feed wrong information about Islam to their people.if people know true Islam accept it.Answer:Muslims liberated the people and gave them their rights.The way of life is beautiful to live, and fills you with strength and a feeling of peace.

Is Islam a religion of world domination?

Answer 1No.Answer 2The answer to this completely depends on whose interpretation of Islam you are following. There are many Moslem clerics who have declared that it is their wish to expand Islam over the entire world because Islam is supposed to be for everyone in an absolutist sense. There are also those who preach moderation and tolerance of Non-Moslems. The Qur'an and the Hadith, the main sources of Islamic Law lend themselves very well to both interpretations.