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Nomadic Arabs brought Islam to Africa over a thousand years ago.

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Q: How and when was islam brought to africa?
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What first brought Islam to Africa?

Trade brought Islam to West Africa. :)

How and when Islam brought to Africa?

Nomadic Arabs brought Islam to Africa over a thousand years ago.

What religon did Arabs bring to Africa?

Arabs brought Islam to Africa.

Who brought the islamic faith to northern africa?

Arabs brought Islam to Africa over a thousand years ago.

What caused Islam to be brought to west Africa?

Invasions by the Moors

What brought the Arabic language to West Africa?

Berber traders introduced written language (arabic) and brought islam to west Africa.

How did the trade routes influence culture in west Africa?

the Arab trading partner brought scholarship, law and the religion of Islam to west Africa

Which religion was introduced in Africa along the Trans-Saharan trade routes?

The Arabs brought the Muslim religion (Islam) to Africa.

Who brought Islam to east Africa?

Muslim Arabs from Egypt spread into North Sudan and brought their Islamic faith.

Who most likely introduced Islam to West Africa?

As far as I know, Muslim merchants had the honor to spread Islam in both Africa and southeastern Asia. You may find Masjids spread in western Africa carrying the names of their builders, or perhaps they are buried nearby.

What religion was brought through trade?

Islam through the Arabs that lived in North Africa and Spain.

Who brought Arabic as the written language to africa?

Arabic written language was brought to Africa by Arab traders and scholars during the spread of Islam in the 7th century. It was commonly used as a language of administration and trade in various regions of Africa.