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All living things have discernible vibrations. Try connecting to the vibrations of stone.

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Q: Have you ever touched a tree and felt the vibrations?
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Touched by an Angel - 1994 An Angel on My Tree 7-10 was released on: USA: 17 December 2000

How do you use calabashes in a sentences?

I've never touched a calabash tree.

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the ugly tree is when allie cinnamon weiner touched it at birth she became ugly very very ugly and that is true so never touch a girl named allie cinnamon weiner ever or youll turn very ugly too.

Why everyone makes sound?

because most people have ears which register or causes sound. the tree in the forest sends out vibrations but unless there is an ear to receive the vibrations there is no sound.

What figure of speech is the word such?

'such' is usually an adjective, meaning approximately 'of the same kind as ...'. 'Who ever saw such people' ('who ever saw people of this kind'). 'Was there ever such a big tree?' (Was there ever a tree which had the kind of bigness that this tree has).

Where did the first vocano erupt?

A tree fell down and touched the volcano so the volcano started erupting.

What is te largest living tree ever?

Sherman Tree

What is Basket Tree?

A basket tree is a tree that has holes in it. It's really cool and it's my favorite tree ever!

If there is a tree that falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?

no because sound is thecnacly the vibrations in your ear so no ear no sound

What is the state of tree?

the sugar maple the prettiest tree ever check it out sometime

Why was the Arizona state tree selected?

never ever says why the tree was select

How do you spell felt?

Felt is a word. It is a noun and also the past tense of feel.