Answer 1
Yes, the Sunnis have always put the loyalty to the community of Islam above any other thing.
Answer 2
No. Sunnis have often gone to war with one another throughout Islamic history. The Taifas in Spain, the wars between the Almoravids, Wattassids, and Almohads in Morocco, etc. are Sunni-Sunni conflicts.
Sunni Islam is the major proportion of Islam.
The Mughals were Sunnis as was their empire.
Mainly Sunnis and Shiites. Refer to question below.
Sunnis and Shiites. Refer to question below.
It is Islam religion. Muslims are belonging to the main two different schools: Shiites and Sunnis.
The Sunnis belong to Islam and Shiites are a false sect who claim to be part of Islam.
The division between Sunnis and Shiits is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam.
The wars between Sunnis and Shiites are typically seen by Muslims as a failure to practice proper Islam and a rupture in the larger Umma or Islamic Nation. Furthermore, such wars are often perceived as a weakness among Muslims that leaves them open to foreign manipulation and oppression.
Sunnis and Shiites. refer to question below.
Mainly Shiites and sunnis. Refer to question below for information.