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yes it has so many preachers have let down there standards. but i thank God for a man of god that still preaches ITS STILL HOLINESS OR HELL! If you onced beliveved it was wrong its still wrong , there are so many that want a preacher to tell them what they want to here and pat them on the back and tell them they are doing all right but all preachers will stand before the Almighty God on Judgement day and answer to God for what they didnt preach because they where scared they would run off people . The Bible says come out from among them and be ye seperate touch not the unclean thing and i will recieve you. God is a loving God and also a Wrathful God i thank God for a man of God who still preaches it that has a Back bone and a love for God , so thankful for a man of God that want back up but will go forward there are so many things that have got to be taught in this day and hour we are living in , NO TIME TO BACK UP BUT GO FORWARD IN Jesus Christ . amen

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Q: Has the pentecostal church become less strict over time?
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