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Sin. Jesus took on all of the world's sin when he died on the cross.

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Q: God turned His back on Jesus at the Cross because God cannot look upon what?
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What verse can you use to back the question up about God turning his head away from Jesus when he was on the cross?

Habakkuk 1:13 You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness.God cannot look upon sin with favor because of His holiness. Jesus was at this time bearing all the sins of the world. That is why He turned His back on Jesus

What does Jesus without a cross mean?

Jesus cannot be without a cross. If there hasn't been a cross, there would've been no point in Jesus coming in human form.

Did Jesus die in a cross?

No, Jesus's death took place on a cross because he was executed and also tied to a cross.

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it is a cross because Jesus died on a cross

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Hot cross buns have something too do with Jesus because of the cross in the middle, because Jesus died on a cross so that is why there is a cross in the middle of a hot cross bun.that is so wrong cuss i was asking bout the song

Did Jesus Christ die in a cross?

No, Jesus's death took place on a cross because he was executed and also tied to a cross.

Why did Jesus die on cross for us?

Jesus died on the cross because it was his destiny. He did it to save us from our sins.

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Jesus. Because he was on the cross with to terrorists beside him.

Why does Christianity use cross as their symbols?

Because Jesus died on the cross.

How was the cross a part of Jesus glory?

because by the cross he saved us

Is the cross that Jesus died on in Ethiopia?

The cross that Jesus died on, or small pieces of it, have turned up everywhere. During the Middle Ages, enough genuine pieces of the cross were found to build several crosses. So, yes, if there is money to be made or people to be converted, the cross is in Ethiopia.

Did Jesus die of AIDS?

no jesus didnt die on aids because he was crucified on a cross