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God resides in the heavens but has access to see everything and everyone.

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Q: God is present everywhere so God is?
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Is God a part of nature in Judaism?

God is everywhere; so is present in nature.

Is god present in this earth?

If God is anywhere, He is everywhere. God cannot be in one place, and not in another.

Is god present at a wedding?

God is present everywhere, all the time. And He wouldn't miss a momentous occasion like a wedding for the world- besides, He already has it.

How do Christians know God is everywhere?

The bible is very clear that God is omnipresent. That means everywhere present. We are taught that if we go to the highest heavens he is there. If we go to the deepest sea he is there. There is no where we can go and hide from God.

Which Jewish God is present at any Jewish marriage ceremony?

Jewish people only have one God. And the Jewish view is that God is always present everywhere, not just at weddings.

Who do Catholics believe is present everywhere?

God is pure Spirit and is thus outside of time and space as we know it. You might say that all of time and space are contained in God, but this is only a way of putting it which is kind of meaningless. Looking at it from that angle, though, nothing could exist unless it were constantly being held in existence by God, so one could say that He was present everywhere.

Where do Sikhs believe god id?

As per Sikhism ' God ' is everywhere . Every visible thing itself has been created from God. Every atom has God particle in itself, so no place can be such where God is not present. God is most nearest to everyone but one has to make himself able to identify God.

What does aniket mean?

aniket = means "homeless" but not in the sense of a homeless person due to poverty or something, though the direct meaning makes one "use" in such sense.aniketaH is applied to God who is Omnipresent. So, he is present "everywhere". Since being present everywhere implies that He has no specific Home he is called aniketanaH,aniketaH.

Does god watch you in the shower?

he watches you everywhere so yeah...

If god is everywhere does that make him a rapist?

He is not responsible for men's actions, so no.

Who do the seik's worship?

Its Sikh and not Seik. Sikhs worship One God they refer to Him/Her as Wahiguru.For Sikhs God has no form,color,shape but God is present everywhere and can been seen by spiritually awakened.

What are facts about brahman?

One fact about Brahman is that he is a god in the Hindu religion. Another fact is that it is believed that Brahman is present everywhere, and in everything.