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The holy one acheived enlightenment by ending human suffering after no longer having desires

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

contemplation and meditation

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Q: Gautama Buddha received enlightenment by
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What did gautama received enlightenment by?

Buddha achieved enlightenment through: Contemplation and Meditation.

The last name of the Buddha before he became enlightened?

The last name of the Buddha before he became enlightened was Siddhartha. It was after his enlightenment that he was known as Gautama Buddha.

How many years did Gautama Buddha teach after gaining enlightenment?

About 50 years

How did Gautama bacome Buddha?

Gautama was a prince in Kapilbastu district of Lumbini zone which is in Nepal. After much spiritual search, he meditated in search of enlightenment. "Buddha" means enlightened.

Did Siddhartha Gautama do anything besides found budism?

as far as i know, siddhartha gautama was the Indian buddha, after reaching enlightenment.

What is the name of the creator of Buddhism?

Siddhartha Gautama who reached enlightenment and became know as The Buddha.

What is the book written by Ashvaghosha about Buddha?

"The Life of the Buddha" is a biography of Buddha written by Ashvaghosha. It chronicles the life of Siddhartha Gautama from his birth to his attainment of enlightenment and his teachings as the Buddha.

What is the gautama Buddha called nowadays?

Siddhartha Gautama is referenced by a number of different titles, but mostly as Buddha. Sometimes he is referred to as Sakyamuni Buddha where Sakyamuni (Sage of the Sakyas) is a refernce to the tribe he was born into (Sakya) or at times he is called Gautama Buddha, as you indicated, where Gautama is his family name. Both of these are used when referring to the actual historical person of Siddhartha Gautama as opposed to another enlighten person who has attained Buddhahood (who would be called a Buddha also).

What was the Buddha originally?

The Buddha was originally named Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Kapilvastu, a small village in Nepal. After his enlightenment he was called by the honorific "Buddha" or the enlightened/awakened one.

What was the original Buddha's original name?

The Buddha was originally named Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Kapilvastu, a small village in Nepal. After his enlightenment he was called by the honorific "Buddha" or the enlightened/awakened one.

What did Siddhartha Gautama The Buddha renounce and why?

Siddhartha Gautama renounced his life of luxury, including his princely status, wealth, and family, in search of spiritual enlightenment and to seek a solution to the suffering in the world. He was motivated by a deep desire to understand the nature of human existence and find a path to alleviate suffering for himself and others.

What is the real name of Siddartha Gautama?

Siddartha Gautama is the real name of Buddha. He was commonly known as Buddha because he created the belief of Buddhism. But his real name is Siddartha Gautama.