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Our Blessed Lord came to save everyone from the hell that we deserve on account of our sins. He did not just come for the Jews, but since they were God's chosen people, He started with them, afterall, "salvation is from the Jews."

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Q: From what did Jesus save the Jews?
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What did Jesus need to save the Jews from?

Jesus was Jewish and all new Christians were Jewish. He didn't save them from anything.

Was Jesus here to save the Jews or the Jesuits?

I think you mean the "Jews or Gentiles". Jesus came to save everyone, Acording to the teachings of the Catholic Church. the Church teaches that anyone can come to salvation if they repent and follow Christ and take up their cross each day.

Have the Jews ever said sorry for the Crucifying of Jesus?

It was not the Jews that crucified Jesus ,it was the Romans,because Jesus was a Jew.

Who were the people who said to Jesus 'If you are King of the Jews save yourself'?

The soldiers (Luke 23:36-38)

Why was Christianity founded?

Christianity was founded because God sent Jesus to save his chosen people (the Jews).

Why clothes put on the way Jesus rode donkey?

Clothes were put on the donkey, as the people shouted that jesus king of the jews. they thought jesus would save them from Roman rule.

Why did some call Jesus the messiah?

According to Religion Facts " The Messiah is a Jewish hero-figure predicted by the Hebrew prophets to save the Jews and bring justice to the world."Christians believe that Jesus is the one foretold in the prophecies. Jews do not.

When was Jews for Jesus created?

Jews for Jesus was created in 1973.

Regarding traditional Jewish practices Jesus seems to have thought that?

Jesus was raised in the Jewish faith and would have been well aware of Jewish practices. But He came not to save the Jews, He came to save the world, Jews and Gentiles alike. That was the whole purpose for him to be born as a human, to die and finally to be resurrected, for the sins of every person ever born.

Do you want Jesus to save you?

Yes I want Jesus to save me.

How are Jews related to Jesus?

Jesus was not Jewish

Why did Jesus lead the Jews to freedom?

Jesus did not lead the Jews to freedom. The Romans went on to destroy the Holy Temple and expel the Jews from the land.