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There are no specific foods that are forbidden to eat, although most hindus believe in sacred animals that provide for them such as cows, pigs, and chickens. So some do not eat those sacred animals, but it is not manatory to. XX!

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Religious Jewish will not eat any food that is not kosher.

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Q: Forbidden food of the Muslims
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Forbidden food of Muslims?


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Is eating pooja food forbidden for Muslims?

Eating food offered as pooja is strongly forbidden in Islam as it is first offered to idols.

What are Muslims forbidden to drink?

Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohols, blood, and intoxicants.

What are both Jewish and Muslims forbidden to eat?

Pork is forbidden to be eaten by both Jewish and Muslims.

What are the foods Islamic religion allows?

Muslims don't eat pork or geleton. Muslims eat healthy. Muslims don't argue over food.Answerthe rule is that what is not forbidden is allowed.see related question, listed below, for more information about what forbidden food to eat in Islam.

Is catfish halal?

No, catfish is not forbidden to eat by Muslims. All sea food is allowed for Muslims to eat per Quran teachings.

What are some Islams food?

There is no particular food, Muslims are from all over the world. however there are some forbidden foods in Islam such as pig etc.

what is the name of food not suitable for Muslims to eat?

Haram (literally, "forbidden") The OK food is "halal." Pretty much the same as "treyf" and "kosher." ___________________________________________ For information on what food is allowed for Muslims to eat and not eat, kindly refer to related question below.

Is your consuming alcohol offensive to Muslims?

It is strictly forbidden for Muslims to drink alcohols.

Why is Mecca a forrbiden place?

Mecca (or Makkah) is forbidden for non Muslims to visit or stay because it is the Muslims most sacred and most holiest city. It is the same way Vatican is forbidden for Muslims to stay in.

What are muslims forbidden to eat?

animals brutaly killed