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Arjuna is bewildered in the battlefield of Kurushetra. He does not understand what his duty was - to protect his brothers (by not killing them) or to fight for his rights. Lord krishna tells him to fight.

Answer: Krishna wants to take all evil thou ts out of our mind (Call Kaurava ) not real killing . In mind we should keep only Good thoughts. Krishna himself was capable of killing all Kaurava.(if you think Karava is separate identity.) Ge eta Updesh is between soul and universe Consciousness. Arjuna is our soul and Krishna represent universal soul. (Imagination only)

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This is a very good question! I have been wondering for years about this. Now i know the answer. Both the armies came in the morning in front of each other. Then Arjuna requested Krishna to get his chariot in between the ground of both the armies. Arjuna saw that there are all the relatives in front of him. He refused to fight the battle. Then the great discussion fallowed. The one army to which both of them belonged has to wait. This can be understood. The question arise as to why the opposition army was silent. The answer is simple. The opposition army of the Kauravas was headed by Bhishma pitamaha. He was the great warrior and grand father of both Kaurawas and Pandawas. Bhishma was great devotee of Lord Krishna. He knew that Krishna is God Himself. So Bhishma remain silent till the discussion was over. as such Lord Krishna was loved and respected by most of the warriors from both sides. So Geeta took it's own time to be told by Lord Krishna.

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