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Jesus who is also called the Christ on whom Christianity is based said "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them." Therefore Christianity goes back a very long way, thousands of years. The Law is written in Scripture.

It would be impossible therefore to write down here everything about Christianity but the four essentials according to Scripture for living a Christian life are:

1. Humility or faith and trust in God which is the foundation of all true relationships with God.

2. Communication with God through prayer and self-denial.

3. Observance of The Law which is written in Scripture and in the hearts of those who love the truth.

4. The offering of sacrifice to God and partaking of the sacrificial offering (various animal and bird offerings in the Old Testament, the Lamb of God in the New Testament, the sacrifice of the Mass in the Catholic Church).

Christianity is when you follow the Christian Faith.

Christians believe that God created you and everything else, and that He sent his son Jesus to die for you. Christians believe that God loves everyone on the earth and that when Jesus died for us, He died a very painful death, and He did that to pay the price of sin that everyone commits.

Christianity teaches that you must accept Jesus into your heart and ask Him to forgive your sins, then, if you are sincere, when you die you will go to heaven and never thirst, hunger, or be in pain.

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