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They are called "apostles" (messengers or sent ones).

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8mo ago

Early Christian leaders that helped set up churches and spread the message of Jesus are called apostles. The apostles were chosen by Jesus himself and played a crucial role in establishing and guiding the early Christian community. They were responsible for spreading the teachings of Jesus and laying the foundations of the Christian faith.

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Q: Early Christian leaders that helped set up churches and spread the message of Jesus are called?
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Where can a person go to find a listing of Christian churches in Houston?

There a website called USA Church, that acts as a directory of churches in your area. You enter you zip code, choose the churches options from the top menu, and select the denomination that you practice.

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Palin is a member of a Protestant Christian denomination called the Apostolic Church, part of the Pentecostal churches.

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There are churches called 'First church of Jesus Christ Scientist'. These are connected with what is known as Christian Science. Then there is also what is known as Scientology.

Is the name of the room where ceremonies are held in Christian churches called a sanctuary?

In some churches, yes. In some churches, no. It depends on the architectural design of the church. The part of the church which is elevated, where the altar sits, and where ceremonies are often conducted from is called the Sanctuary. If there is no architectural distinction between the Sanctuary and the nave (the space in which people gather) then the whole space can be called the Sanctuary.

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Are there churches in Islam?

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