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The book of Yonah (Jonah) is read during Mincha (the afternoon prayers) of Yom Kippur.

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Leviticus 23:26-32.

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Q: During Yom Kippur which story from the bible is read?
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How does the story of jonah link to yom kippur?

a) The story of Jonah is traditionally read on Yom Kippur.b) The story of Jonah describes how, after the people of Nineveh heard Jonah's warning, they repented, put on sack cloth and ashes, and fasted, leading God to relent and forgive them. Yom Kippur being the climax of the Jewish penitential season, it makes sense to link Jonah and Yom Kippur.

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no a lectionary is a list of reading to be read while a bible is a past story of jesus

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If you want to know the life story of Samuel you can read about his life in I Samuel and II Samuel in the Old Testament in the Bible.

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The city if Nineveh can be read about in several places in the Bible. The best known story is the story of Jonah which can be found in the book of Jonah.

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David is a picture of Jesus, in the end God will destroy the unsaved without compassion. Now is the time of compassion, so read read and read some more of your bible

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They didn't. The Bible was used by the family for the children.

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Yes, to get proof read the story of the plagues on Egypt in the Bible.

Can you read the Bible at work?

A:Not during work hours, unless you work for a Christian organisation. You could read the Bible privately in your free time at lunch or coffee break. During working hours you are paid to work, not to read the Bible or non-work-related books. Even during your own time, you would generally be expected not to read aloud or in such a way as to be seen as proselytising.

Is there a book or chapter of Isaac?

There is no book in the Bible bearing his name. His story can be read in Genesis 17.

How do Bible stories lead to a belief in God?

they do but they a don't if you read a bible story and believe it and you chose to believe in god than that's OK but the bible story only tells you what whoever wrote the bible thinks or knows happens but it is all up to you to believe in god . personally i do believe in god not because of a bible story but because of life events

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Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon. You can read more about it in history books or in the bible. I suggest reading it in the bible because his story is more interesting .For example: he turned to a wild animal, etc. It's a funny and interesting story so read it. It can be found in the old testament of the bible in book Daniels. Thank u.

Can you give a sentence using the word bible?

For many decades, Black's Law Dictionary was the bible for lawyers. The Bible was read during every service.