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Jews do not have a firm position on whether Jesus was crucified or not; the life and story of Jesus is of no importance to Judaism. However, if the question is asking whether Jews believe in the "Sacrifice upon the Cross", whereby Jesus died to atone for the sins of all humanity, Jews reject this claim. Judaism holds that no person can be rewarded or suffer for the deeds of another. Each man is rewarded personally for his good deeds and suffers personally for his wicked deeds.

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13y ago

Even though the Jews crucified Jesus they do not believe in Jesus at all.

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It's generally not possible to specify what any individual believes or doesn't believe,

but the history, lore, and laws of Judaism don't include those.

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Jesus may very well have been nailed to a wooden structure (which the Romans did on many occasions), but we attach no significance to it.

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3y ago

Jews understand that the Romans crucified thousands of people around Jerusalem, and Jews understand that the Romans would likely crucify anyone claiming to be king or hailed as king of the Jews because such a claim was an affront to Roman rule. The Jewish tradition rejects the following: Vicarious atonement. Nobody but the sinner can atone for a sin. God incarnate. Belief in an incarnate god is idolatry. And the issue of original sin. The soul God breathes into each person is pure and no person is held responsible for the sins of their ancestors.

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Jews believe in God.What about Jesus?In Judaism, Jesus was a regular human being who lived in olden times, and is not part of Jewish religious belief.See also the Related Links.Link: Why didn't the Jews believe in Jesus?Link: What do Jews believe about God?

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Which key theological principle is a fundamental difference between Judaism and Christianity?

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Do you except Jews as a Christians?

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