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To the faithful, yes, His resurrection is the ultimate proof upon which Chrisitanity rests. Romans 1:4 - and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.To the unbeliever, of course, the resurrection story is only a fable.

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Q: Does the resurrection of Jesus prove he is the Son of God?
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It was important because he was the son of god.

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Prove jesus is the son of god historically?

It cannot be done.In order to prove that Jesus was the son of God "historically", one must first incontrovertibly prove that God exists. This falls outside of the scope of science (and therefore true history). We then must prove that God impregnated Mary (which would require that God himself testify, since there's no way of performing any sort of genetic test on Mary or Jesus). We then must prove that Jesus was indeed the son of Mary, which too would require genetic testing.So far, we can't even conclusively prove that Jesus existed (though it is possible) in a historical context since it has been shown that the only 3rd party verification of Jesus' existence (the records of Roman historian Josephus) were later proved to be doctored.AnswerRead the Bible. The whole great book testifies that Jesus is the son of God and is God. Science helps prove that God does exist.

After his resurrection jesus gave his apostles a mission to baptize people everywhere in the name of god the father god the son and god the holy spirit?

yup God the father the son and the Holy Spirit

What miracles can you think of that validated jesus as the son of god and his apostles ad god's spokesmen?

The historically validate bodily resurrection from the dead!

Who was the Son of God?

Jesus is The SON of God Jesus is The SON of God

Why did pharisees try to trick Jesus?

to prove he wasnt the son of god the savior of all people