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The pope does not rule the world. He is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and his ecclesiastical jurisdiction encompasses what is often called the "Holy See".

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Q: Does the pope rule the world?
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Pope John Paul II.

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Pope Joan is a fictional character who never existed.

How long did Pope Julius II rule?

Pope Julius II was pope from October 31, 1503, until February 21, 1513.

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Pope Innocent III reigned from 1198-1216.

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There is no rule that prohibits a pope from taking the name of Peter. However, out of respect for the first pope, no man has used that name.

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He rules from Vatican City.

Who is America's pope?

The pope in Rome is the pope for the entire world. Each country does not have its own pope.

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The Pope or King being better is matter of personal preference of the people that are or would be under their rule or authority.

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No it was pope Gergory VII

Who is the pope of world?

As of March 2013 the pope of the worldwide Catholic Church is Pope Francis.

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No. Pope Francis was the first pope from the New World. There has never been a pope from Canada.