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He may, it depends. The bishop has authority over every piece of property owned by the Catholic Church in his diocese - actually, in the United States, he is listed as the sole owner as a corporate sole. He has authority over every Catholic in his diocese. So if the Catholic hospital is owned by a religious order or by the diocese, and has Catholic working there, he would have moral authority over them. If the diocese actually owns the hospital or the Bishop is on the Board of Directors, then he would have direct legal input. A lot depends on how the hospital is set up.

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Q: Does the bishop have authority over Catholic hospitials in his diocese?
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Your question reveals an ignorance of what "the Catholic Church" is. Each individual bishop rules a diocese, and each diocese is an autonomous Catholic Church. Even the Pope is just the Bishop of Rome. Thus each individual diocese contributes whatever its Bishop decides to use to support the individual Caritas in his diocese or his country, you would have to check with each individual diocese or archdiocese, of which there are 2,845 "particular" Churches, which, together, are collectively called "The Catholic Church".

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I assume you mean "what does 'diocese' mean?" A diocese is an area of land (usually county sized) that is under the authority of a bishop. In each diocese there is the main church, usually central in the diocese, here the bishop's throne (the 'cathedra') is housed. These chuches are usually large and ornate and are called cathedrals. Therefore, each diocese has one cathedral in one of its ciities from where the bishop rules.