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Leviticus 18:22

"you shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination"

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Q: Does the bible state anywhere that a man with a man and a woman with a woman is wrong?
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How many times does it say same-sex marriage is wrong?

If you are talking about the Bible, it doesn't say that anywhere.

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ok this might be wrong but it is pretty close:carman lawrence

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There is nothing wrong about the Gideon Bible. I support the distribution to hotels, motels, doctors offices, hospitals and anywhere else they want to place them. It is good to find the Word of God when you are in need.

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There is no verse in the Bible that says that cremation is wrong.

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The Wrong Woman was created in 1995.

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No everything in the BIBLE is correct!

What part of the Bible is not true?

None of the parts in the bible are wrong.

Is love and marriage wrong according to the Bible?

Quite the contrary, both love which describes God Himself, and marriage are totally right. God designed the state of marriage for a man and a woman to grow together as one physically, to share physical love, and for continuance of the human race.

Where does it say in the bible that gay marrige is wrong?

It doesn't say anything about gay marriage in the bible because it technically didn't exist then in the way it does now. Among other things, it only says that a man should not lie with another man as he does with a woman, and this has been interpreted into meaning that same-sex marriage is wrong.

Where can you find the old gospel song read your bible by a ...?

I don't know who sings it, but I can remember some of the words: I know my bible is right, something else is wrong (something is wrong) Something else is wrong (something is Wrong) Oh, something else is wrong (something is wrong) I know that (something else is wrong) In Genesis (read your bible) the world was made (read your bible) By my God's creative hand (creative Hand) In Exodus, the Hebrews marched (they wanted to claim the promised Land) Maybe someone else can remember more of it.... continuing "Read Leviticus(read your bible), Numbers(read your bible), Deueteronomy (read your bible), Joshua (read your bible), Read Judges( read your bible), Ruth (read your bible), 1st and 2nd Samuel (read your bible ), 1st and 2nd Kings (read your bible), 1st and 2nd Chronicicles ... The Bethlehem Gospel Singers "My Bible Is Right", you can find on you tube.

Is a man giving a strange woman a lift to another state and then bringing a different strange woman back then going to dinner with her wrong if he has a steady girlfriend?

it's okay as long as they are not dating.