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No. The Torah is just the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy)

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Q: Does the bible and the Torah both have A old testiment?
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Where is hell found in the Bible?

I think in the old testiment. I think it depends on the bible.

Who wrote the Torah and the old testiment?

The Torah (Pentateuch) was written by Moses, after being commanded to write it down by God. The last 8 verses of Deuteronomy were written by Joshua. In turn the Old Testament was written by the early Christians and was based on the Tanach (the complete Jewish Bible).

What was the name of Turkey from in old testiment of the bible?

Asia Minor or Anatolia.

Do the Penticostals have Bible?

yes its called the old and new testiment

Who is the oldest man in the old testiment?

The oldest man in the old testament and the whole Bible was, Methuselah.

How did you get the information for The Bible?

The bible is really a combination of the gospels, New testiment, letters written by the apostles, and parts of the Torah in the old testiment. The first real recognition Christianity got was in the 300s AD by the Roman Emperor Constantine. The Christian Beliefs were made official by a counsul of Constantines church officials, they picked and choose which testimony they agreed with, and which stories portrayed Jesus the way the church wanted, and they included those in the bible.

What is the Hebrew name for the first five books of the gosple?

This question has two possible answers. The reason is that the first five Hebrew books of the Bible are not refered to as the "gospel." Only the part of the Bible that gives the accounts of the minstry of Jesus is called the gospels. The first five books of the Bible was called the Pentateuch. That refers to the first five books of the "Old Testiment," or "Hebrew Scriptures" that were written by Moses in the Hebrew language. The part of the Bible that is normally referred to as the gospels, that is, the minstry of Jesus, are the first four books of the "New Testiment," or "Greek Scriptures." This is the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

When did god make a covenant with us?

God di this first with the Jewish people in the times and stories related in the Old testiment of the Bible. God did this for the last time about 2000 years ago as related in New Testiment of the Bible when he sent his sone to live and die a human life and with the resurection of Jesus.

Would you please send me a copy of Old Testament of bible and testament of Torah?

Torah is the first five books of the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is part of the Bible. I will send you a copy of the Bible if you want to read it, just tell me where to send it.

Are there similarities between the Torah Bible and Koran?

First, the Torah is only the first section of the Jewish Bible which is called the Tanach. The Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach but was modified to support the teachings of Christianity. As Muhammad studied with both Jews and Christians, the Qur'an contains many concepts found within both the Tanach and Christian Bible.

Is the word cross in the old testiment?


What do you call the first half of the bible?

old testament, if your a Jew its called the Torah