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The Trinity church website states, "A believer is someone who has decided to trust Christ alone for salvation. If you have come to that point in your spiritual journey, then you should be baptized." Baptism occurs after a person is old enough to choose faith in God--babies are not baptized.

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Q: Does the Trinity United Church Of Christ believe in baptism for remission of sins?
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They believe in The Holy Trinity. They believe in Christ.

How were all 3 person of the trinity present at Jesus baptism?

Here Jesus was baptized, the holy spirit came on him as s dove , and God spoke from heavem , all three were there.

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Baptism. In the Bible, baptism is a believers baptism. Someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their saviour.

Who instituted the sacraments of baptism?

I believe it was Jesus Christ himself

How do Church of Christ and Methodist beliefs differ?

One key difference is their views on baptism: Church of Christ typically practices believer's baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, while Methodists practice infant baptism as a symbol of God's grace. Additionally, Church of Christ emphasizes a cappella singing in worship, while Methodists may use a variety of musical instruments. The two denominations also differ on the structure of church leadership and governance.

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No they didn't, they believed in God but not Jesus Christ

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The foundational doctrines of evangelicals are concerning the inerrancy of the Bible, the deity of Christ, the Trinity and the return of Christ.

Is the correct baptism under the Father Son and Holy Spirit or under Jesus' name?

Baptism in Christian churches can be in the name of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) or in the name of Christ, depending on the denomination.

Why don't Methodists re-baptize?

Methodists believe that one Baptism is enough. They believe that the effectiveness of Baptism is based on God's work in a person's life, not on that person's understanding of Baptism or ability to make a decision for Christ at the time of their baptism. That is also why Methodists allow infant Baptism.

Do pentecosts believe in water baptism for salvation?

no, like most other protestant denominations. not sure about all, but at my pentacostal church baptism signifies the official initiation into discipleship for christ and remission of sins. but its generally believed (in protestantism) that baptism is not ultimately essential for salvation. for instance, if someone were dying on their deathbed and had not been baptized, we believe verbal confession of sins and jesus christ as lord and son of God is enough in that moment to receive the kingdom, because the blood christ shed on the cross washes away the stain of sin. the deathbed scenario is similar to the catholic belief in baptism by desire. there are even different branches within pentacostalism. of course there are denominations that believe baptism is nothing more than a public declaration of faith, but i (a pentacostal) personally believe it has a deeper significance. if that doesnt answer your question, i hope it helps. Yes they do. They so do.

Is accepting Jesus Christ a type of baptism?

Yes some do believe this. They believe if you accept Jesus, you are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

What does it mean for Christians today to believe that Jesus was the Christ?

They can obtain resurrectionThey can obtain eternal life and happinessThey can do this only through belief and obedience to the doctrine of ChristThat the atonement of Christ provides a remission of sins.That baptism in the name of Christ through one that has the authority to do so applies the atonement.Failure to do this bring eternal damnation in hell fire.Read the Bible, beginning with the gospel of John, then the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.