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No The Salvation Army does not partake in the sacraments but they also do not tell their members that they cannot do so if at a visiting church.

They believe that no outward ceremony is essential to salvation.

Much of the reasoning I believe is because too many people put their faith in these ceremonies rather than leaving their faith in God. Too many people focus everything in their rituals rather than where it should be.

A quote from a book This we believe by John Coutts says:

"The Army, which has never pronounced anybody's ceremony invalid, believes that all life should be hallowed by the Spirit of God. and that there is no need to suppose that Jesus, in AD 33 was laying down ruules as to what should be done 1900 yeas later."

As General Albert Orsborn wrote:

"My life must be Christ's broken bread, My love his outpoured wine, A cup o'erfilled, a table spread Beneath his name and sign, That other souls, refreshed and fed, May share his life through mine."

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Q: Does the Salvation Army use sacraments?
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