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Yes, the Magisterium interprets The Bible. That assures that all Catholics, everywhere, are receiving the same message. What happens when everyone is allowed to interpret scriptures on their own? There are over 30,000 Protestant denominations, each one with a different interpretation and each one saying that their interpretation is the correct one. The New Testament was written by Catholics so the interpretation by the Church is in following with Church tradition. Martin Luther rewrote the Bible so as to better reflect his own interpretation. Those books he disagreed with he threw out of the Bible completely.

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Q: Does the Magisterium interpret the Catholic Bible?
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Of course the Bible, but the Catholic had to interpret it in their Catechism. The catholic believe that Bible is not enough for salvation. Their lies a tradition called the Apostolic tradition. The church magisterium is the teaching of the church.

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Catholic read the Bible literally and it applied to the church Magisterium and the The Cathechism of the Catholic church.They showed it to their actions and their faith.

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Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church.

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The pope never contradicts the Bible. He may contradict what certain groups, particularly Protestants, THINK the Bible says. The Magisterium of the Church has the final say as to how Catholics should interpret the Bible.

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The Magisterium is teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

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He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret The Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret the Bible.

How did Luther's ideas about interpreting the bible different from Catholic's ideas?

He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret The Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret the Bible.

How Did Luther's idea about interpreting the bible Differ From Catholic Idea?

He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret The Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret The Bible.

How did Luther idea about interpreting the Bible differ from Catholic Ideas?

He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret The Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret The Bible.

How did Luther's ideas about interpreting the Bible differ from Catholic ideas?

He thought that everyone should be able to read and interpret the Bible. This belief went against the teachings of the Catholic Church, in which only clergy could interpret the Bible.

What is the sacred teaching office of the Catholic Church?

The Magisterium

What is the divinely chosen interpreter of scripture?

The Magisterium for those in the Catholic denomination.