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Not explicitly. It does, however, describe marriage as being between a man and a woman, although it does also mention men who had more than one wife.

The writer of the book of law called Leviticus also affirms that men who sleep with men as if they were women must be killed by the community, although it also lists many other causes of "justifiable homicide" that would be considered murder in modern societies.

Later, in the New Testament, Jesus is quoted as saying that "not one jot or tittle of the law shall pass away," which seems to be a blanket statement condoning and reaffirming all the laws of the Old Testament, although Jesus himself is described as either breaking or "re-interpreting" several of those very laws.

Also in the new Testament, St. Paul states that homosexuals will not "enter into the kingdom" of heaven.

One thought:

God created sex. The first two people were "male and female" [the two sexes; one sex each... not two males... not two females]. The first command He gave them was:

" fruitful and multiply..." (Gen.1:28).

He commanded them to "procreate"... or "make babies." Consequently... God [Jesus Christ; the Creator God of the Old Testament - John 1:3, who 'made all things'] also created MARRIAGE for the purpose of creating and rearing children [ideally] in the Righteous ways of God.

"...Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. and these Words, which I Command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." (Deut.6:5-7)

So, think about "marriage" -- which GOD CREATED along with everything else. He made marriage for the man and woman to "have sex" and "make babies" [who shall eventually be "born a second time into His Kingdom as His Divine Family; His Spiritually-adopted Children through Jesus Christ, the 'Lord thy God' -- who made them male and female].

Therefore... the abominable [disgusting] thought [to God; Jesus Christ] of "two men"... or "two women" marrying, is at the very least a gross perversion of what He made. It's grossly unthinkable to God, and such behavior on the part of His creation only earns itself its appropriate "wages" [Rom.6:23].

And at the very most... it's an absolutely UNPRODUCTIVE, wasteful proposal that's utterly counter-intuitive to God's purpose for marriage.

Most people also generally call upon God to "bless their marriage." Which is only right, since He made it. But, it's something that God would never do for any such perversion of what He has made. He couldn't even LOOK upon such a thing, much less bless it.

So... no... the Bible DOESN'T say that a man can't marry a man.

But when you consider Who made marriage... and WHY He made marriage; for the structured producing and rearing of Children -- then, would anyone really expect God to address this perversion at all in His Word?

Doesn't it suffice that He tells mankind the consequences of two men or two women just having sex and perverting this part of what He has made? Do men really want to press the marriage proposal issue with their Creator, too, thinking the Bible's recorded outcome of perverse sex would be different from perverse marriage? Thinking, perhaps, that He would cave and approve of it?

I ask, because according to God, a Day of accounting is coming upon all men. It's called Judgment Day.

I mention it, because on that Day... the Books of the Bible will be opened, so all men may see what God has written for man to comply with and obey.

I call attention to it, because God isn't going to debate with anyone as to whether or not His Commandments, laws, statutes and ordinances are FAIR. He's not going to debate an individual's "rights."

He's going to be interested in "whether or not WE OBEYED HIM!"

"...for the time of fulfillment is near. And when that time comes, all doing wrong will do it more and more; the vile will become more vile; good men will be better; those who are Holy will continue on in greater holiness. See, I AM coming soon, and My REWARD IS WITH ME, to repay everyone ACCORDING TO THE DEEDS HE HAS DONE." (Rev.22:10-12 LVB Living Bible)

All of man's works will be Measured and Judged by the "measuring stick" of God's Word. What's written in the Bible. God has told man what is right and what is wrong. God's only requirement of man is for him to FEAR GOD and OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS:

"...all who reject Me and My message will be Judged at the Day of Judgment by the Truths I have spoken." (John 12:48 LVB)

"Here is my final conclusion: Fear God and Obey His Commandments, for this is THE ENTIRE DUTY OF MAN. For God will Judge us for everything we do, including every hidden thing, good or bad." (Eccle.12 13-14 LVB)

So, does the Bible say that a man can't marry a man? NO.

But sometimes a question can be answered with a question. In this case one that everyone can ask himself: "Does the Bible have to say it?"

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No. In the Garden of Eden after God created the man Adam, He saw he was incomplete and needed a 'helpmeet.' He caused Adam to go into a deep sleep and removed one of his ribs to form a woman (means out of a man) Eve. He then said this:

Genesis 2:24

New King James Version (NKJV)

24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

So God's intent is for a man to be with a woman and not another man. Woman are specifically designed in body for the joining with a man to experience 'oneness' which is similar to the oneness the Father shares with the Son and what we will eventually share as sons and daughters in the God Family (see 2 Corinthians 6:18 and John 14:20).

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No, The Bible does not specifically prohibit same sex marriage.

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No. The Bible does not address the issue of same-sex marriage.

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