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There are some parallels between the Bacchic cult and Catholicism, such as the ritual of wine consumption and the idea of communal celebration. However, the Bacchic cult focused on the worship of the god Bacchus (Dionysus), with emphasis on ecstasy and wild behavior, while Catholicism centers on the worship of the Christian God and places importance on morality and obedience. Overall, the Bacchic Cult and Catholicism are different in their beliefs and practices.

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Q: Does the Bacchic Cult relate to Catholicism?
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Yes. Example of a word that starts with B and ends with C: bacchic. barbaric. basic.

Is the Roman Catholic religion a cult?

No.cult: "a religion or sect considered to be unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader."But then again, it depends on what you believe. But I still wouldn't say that the Catholic church is a cult. when i think of cult tho, i think of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. no offense to anyone out there by the way.Another opinion:I would say the Catholic church is a false church, a false religion.Another opinion.Cult is a word that has various definitions, some of which I believe apply to Catholicism. But I would more likely use the term false religion. For example, "cult" is the beinning of the word "culture." It is something that is "formed." The uneducated often confuse the word "cult" with that of "occult." The custom of using a birthday cake is a "cult." "Cult" used in an intellectual fashion does not have a negative conotation. It mean that something has been raised and formed. Yes, the Catholic Church, as any church, is a "cult." It is not of the "occult."

When was The Cult created?

The Cult was created in 1983.