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No. The Talmud was completed before the introduction of Islam.

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Q: Does talmud relate to Islam
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Well, Islam is the best religion out there..the most complete religion...enough said

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The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. They are summarized in the famous hadith of Gabriel.

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They worship "Allah" and even though they acknowledge Muhamed as a prophet, they listen to what he commanded (and practically worship him as well) instead of what God commanded in his original trascript (Islam has rewritten the Qu'ran four times).

What is contained in the Hebrew Bible that is not the Talmud?

The Tanach (Hebrew Bible) is not in the Talmud. The Talmud contains commentary on the Tanach.

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no, the religion people normally relate to this quote is Islam, this is one of the mager religions and it is used with many many people all around the world.

What books do different religions use?

Confucianism: The Analects, The Five Classics Hinduism: The Mahabarata, The Upanishads, The Vedas Islam: The Quran Christainity: The Bible Judaism: The Torah, The Talmud Taoism: Tao-te-ching

What is the third tractate of Talmud?

Eiruvin (that's Talmud, not Mishna).

When was The Talmud Unmasked created?

The Talmud Unmasked was created in 1892.

When was Survivors' Talmud created?

Survivors' Talmud was created in 1951.

What is the talmud in social studies?

The Talmud is the 'Oral Law'. Similar to Torah but Torah is written down while Talmud is spoken.

Why is the Jerusalem Talmud significant?

Not many people are aware that there are two Talmuds: the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud. When we speak of and quote the Talmud, we almost always are referring to the Babylonian Talmud, which is simply called "The Talmud." The Jerusalem Talmud is a separate work, which includes teachings of the Torah-sages of the land of Israel (Palestine) of the 3rd to 5th centuries CE. Its significance is that: 1) It includes many Torah-sayings that are not repeated in the "regular" Talmud, which are valuable in their own right; and 2) Whenever the Jerusalem Talmud states a decision or clarification in Torah-law that is not contradicted by the Babylonian Talmud, its decision is part of Jewish law.