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God created the universe. Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From this point on mankind is bestowed with free choice. A choice to believe or not to, a choice is a beautiful thing. Do not let the freedom of other humans make you believe God is anything but loving.

"If we knew only perfect, would we know what perfection even was? Only when we suffer will we know what heaven is. Do you think God wants a kingdom that is forced to love God, or do you think God wants a kingdom of those who have chosen God freely and for themselves even when they lived a life of pain?" -Thomas Mind 2001

God does not use the devil to test us. People test you because they have free choice and they abuse their freedom. Only God can help you in your life when it comes to these people. Using the devil is an excuse people use to be evil themselves. Learn from what the evil person teaches you, and do not do what they do.

You live to learn, learn from them, people.

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Q: Does god use the devil to test us as in deception?
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Does God Use The Devil?

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The devil will act like an angel it it suit his purpose Margaret Walker?

It means the devil will use any means of deception, even in the guise of an angel if it suit his purpose.

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The simple true answer is....NO. if you study the book of Job, you will see that God allowed the devil to torment Job and kill his family but God did not use the devil to punish him. God might allow things to come into your life that will cause you grief or harm but God does not cause the things to happen. He might use them to get your attention but God does not use Satan to punish anyone. The devil is not God's punisher, In Isaiah 14:14 we read the Satan was the most powerful and glorious angel that God created. Satan became jealous of man and God and wanted to be God. The devil desired to replace God, but God judged him and cast him out of heaven. Now Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour or destroy. Satan hates you, and all mankind and all of God's creation. Because if he can't rule over it, he wants to destroy it.

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The devil was angel once. Before he was cast out of heaven for wanting to be higher than God. Now he is very upset with God and wants to turn people against God. So he can use us for evil. So the devil is a controller but he only controls the people who let him control them. You have to learn how to saqy no to the devil.

How can I prove I don't have Schizophrenia and the voices in my head are really the will of god?

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Who created me?

For God to use us to find others who need saving. To test us.

When is it ever ethical to use deception in sociological research?

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Does God use Satan as a Sword?

In some religious beliefs, God is portrayed as using Satan as a means to test individuals or to carry out specific tasks, but this interpretation varies among different religious traditions. Some view Satan as a fallen angel who rebelled against God, while others see Satan as a tempter or adversary who exists independently from God.

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In some belief systems, God and the Devil are seen as opposed forces rather than siblings. In Christianity, for example, the Devil is considered a fallen angel who rebelled against God. So, they are typically not depicted as brothers in religious teachings.

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Deception is the use of deceit or trickery. It's fooling somebody to act, believe, etc. when it is really false.