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every entity is endowed with image of immortal soul and truly connected with whole such that whole is timeless and has no fate---since not an object


Theists feel, but have no proof, that there is an ongoing part of human existence (a soul etc). Atheists disagree. nobody has disproved this position. Non-theists don't really care.

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Q: Does everyone have an immortal soul?
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Did Plato believe in immortal soul?

Yes, Plato believed in the immortality of the soul. In his dialogues, he argues that the soul is immortal and exists before and after life in the physical world. According to Plato, the soul is eternal, unchanging, and possesses knowledge of the Forms.

Why did Voldemort divide his soul?

He hoped this would make him immortal.

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People are not immortal - they will die eventually. Most religions believe that people have a part (a soul) that is immortal, but this can't really be proved or disproved easily

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Is the soul infinite?

If you believe that the soul is immortal, that means that it lasts forever, and is therefore infinite in terms of its length of existence.

In what ways can you use captured souls in Immortal Night game?

you can sell them to the soul collector or put them on the soul market

May I devour your immortal soul?

hmmm, i dont think so.

How does immortality of the soul affect the afterlife?

Immortality of the Soul liberates us from afterlife. If only we realize that we are the Divine immortal Soul. If we remain ignorant and we think we are the body, then we die and we are reborn based on our Karma, our actions. Even if we think we are the ME, the mind and the ego, not the body that returns to dust, we still have an afterlife. When we realize we are the immortal Soul, that realization liberates us from an afterlife. It makes us escape from that constant cycle of death and rebirth and that is our ultimate goal, to realize we are the Divine Soul. Only then, we become the immortal Soul that we truly are. As long as the wave doesn't realize that it is part of the ocean, it will keep on splashing and splashing. But the moment it realizes it is not a wave, it is the ocean, the splashing ends.

Are emos truley immortal?

Emos are people like everyone else, and are no more or less immortal than others.

When did the words 'immortal' and 'soul' first appear together in the Bible?

I do not believe you will find the actual phrase 'immortal soul' in the Bible. In fact, some sects say the soul is not immortal and there is no life between physical death and 'the resurrection of the body' on judgment day.Another answer:The phrase "immortal soul" does not appear in the Bible. However, between the promise of eternal life for the faithful believer (John 3:16) and the question asked by Jesus in Matthew 16:26 (For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?), the Bible clearly teaches that the soul of man IS immortal, and that its ultimate disposition is solely in the hands of God.Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it.Matthew 10:28 - And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.[Quotes from NKJV]

Is an 'Immortal Soul' concept in the Bible or is it a pagan or philosophical idea of men?

its a idea of men

Is true vampires are immortal?

Well, not all vampires are immortal. It depends on the book your reading or the movie your watching. The vampires in twilight certainly are immortal, but they can be killed. Dracula was said to be immortal also, but was killed by Van Helsing. The vampires in Vampire Academy are not immortal, unless, of course your talking about the evil soul-sucking strigoi, which are not considered immortal as much as undead.