How does immortality of the soul affect the afterlife?
Immortality of the Soul liberates us from afterlife. If only we realize that we are the Divine immortal Soul. If we remain ignorant and we think we are the body, then we die and we are reborn based on our Karma, our actions. Even if we think we are the ME, the mind and the ego, not the body that returns to dust, we still have an afterlife. When we realize we are the immortal Soul, that realization liberates us from an afterlife. It makes us escape from that constant cycle of death and rebirth and that is our ultimate goal, to realize we are the Divine Soul. Only then, we become the immortal Soul that we truly are. As long as the wave doesn't realize that it is part of the ocean, it will keep on splashing and splashing. But the moment it realizes it is not a wave, it is the ocean, the splashing ends.