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Most scientists, of course, do accept evolutionary theory as basically accurate.

A larger but still relatively small portion of the word's general populace is scientifically literate enough to be familiar with the various theories and hypotheses in evolutionary Biology. The vast majority of this group tends to agree that the evidence supports evolutionary theory.

A large portion of the world's population really don't care one way or the other, and tend to go with explanations provided by the experts, if only for the reason that they assume that the experts will know what they're about.

A perhaps equally large portion of the global populace objects to evolutionary theory on religious ground, feeling that it detracts from their god or gods, and removes the human species from the special position they've ascribed to it.

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What is a term one is given if they do not believe in god or evolution?

The term for one who does not believe in god claims is atheist.There is no commonly used term for one who does not believe in evolution, although the widespread confidence in evolution found in the scientific community and many countries may lead to the term "evolution denier" or "evolution denialist".There is no specific term used for one who shares both these characteristics.

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It is not forbidden by Catholicism to believe in evolution. The reason many people who believe in a god do not believe in evolution is that evolution's adversary, Intelligent Design, makes far more sense to one who believes in God that anyone who does not, although you can believe in intelligent design and not believe in God.

Why should people believe in evolution?

People should not " believe in " evolution but accept that evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, is fact. The also need to consider the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains much about evolution, as one of the most well supported explanatory theories in science. Then they would, if they are intellectually honest, come to accept not only the fact of evolution but the theory of evolution by natural selection. " Believe in " is a term one uses when one can provide no supporting evidence for one's concepts and this does not include evolution and the theory of evolution by natural selection. Go here and learn.

How can you believe in evolution and god?

You can believe evolution was caused by God and he controls it.

You do not want to change though you believe in evolution?

I do not ' believe ' in evolution, but I am convinced by the evidence.

Why do people need to believe in evolution?

No one has to believe in evolution. Evolution vs creation doesn't really affect our everyday lives that much. We're still ourselves, whether we were created or evolved. It'd be helpful to believe in evolution if you're a scientist in biology and/or archaeology. Some jobs wouldn't make much sense from a creationist perspective.

What are the pentecostal beliefs about evolution?

They do not believe in evolution; only creation.

Does Buddhism believe in creationism vs evolution?

Buddhist believe there are no gods. Evolution would be the logical belief they would follow.

Did People believe in evolution around 1827?

yes they did believe in evolution because life begins million years ago

Does Palin believe in evolution?

she says that its nessesary to know about creationism along with evolution

What is ultimate in every ones life?

There probably isn't one "ultimate" in every ones life because people believe in different things. For example, some people are religious and some people believe in evolution. So, their "ultimate" will be different. Some people do not have an opinion on the meaning of life and therefore their "ultimate " might be having a happy life.

When did scientist believe chemical evolution occur?

Scientists believe that chemical evolution occurred around 3.5 billion years ago.