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According to the Torah, divorce is accomplished simply by writing a bill of divorce (this is what you refer to as the decree), handing it to the wife, and sending her away. It is not necessary for a husband to personally hand the document to the wife.

Incidentally, a civil divorce is not sufficient to dissolve a Jewish marriage. As far as Jewish law is concerned, a couple remains married until the woman receives the bill of divorce.

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Q: Does decree and divorce mean the same thing in the bible?
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Foreordain means to appoint or to decree beforehand. It is surmised that the God of The Bible foreordained the affairs of men and women.

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This does mean expenses are not covered by insurance. If this is what the divorce decree says, then you are responsible for these bills.

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Poor grammar. It means nothing.

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Unfortunately she has a divorce decree stating it is hers. You have 30 days after the divorce to contest the ruling.

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Hopefully, you had a divorce lawyer. You should ask your lawyer about the meaning of that clause. Your lawyer will have the entire divorce decree and not just the sentence you quoted. It may mean after your divorce, it may mean after a particular date, or it may refer to the fact that the two of you kept separate finances and your partner ran up large debts without your knowledge. Check with your lawyer.

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If it isn't in written in a decree, then a parent isn't responsible for it. So, no, you would not be responsible to pay for college unless it were spelled out as part of the settlement that you made when you got divorced.When a child turns 18, legally they are an adult and all support stops from the non-custodial parent, unless it says otherwise in the divorce decree. That doesn't mean that it isn't a nice or good thing to work it out with your ex and try to split the difference in the educational expenses of college or pay for some of it, whether your are obligated to do so or not.