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No, they don't. I follow it, and a lot of Wiccans do, but there is absolutely no way we all do.

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Q: Does all wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede?
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All Wiccans are pagan, not all pagans are Wiccan. That said, I am unable to determine if she is either pagan or Wiccan.

What can you use as your oath of wicca?

Generally speaking, there is already an oath in Wicca. Its call the Wiccan Rede, and all Wiccans follow it. "An ye harm none, do as thou wilt." or in layman's terms, dont hurt anyone or anything, including yourself, and you can do whatever you see fit.If you are also talking about the term oathbound, it means to be bound by an oath of silence. You dont use this to your benefit.

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No, there isn't a Wiccan devil. The devil is a creation of Christianity. Wiccans don't believe in Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, whatever you may choose to call the creature that's supposedly all evil.

Are all witches wiccans?

Not necessarily. There can be Witches who are not followers of Wicca. And one can follow and practice only the Wiccan rituals without using the Witchcraft. There are many Wiccans who Practice Witchcraft. It is like two intersecting sets in a Venn diagram. There are also Pagan Witches, Neo-Pagan Witches, Eclectic Witches, Satanic Witches and many more..

Is there a right way to be a wiccan?

No, to be Wiccan is to be your self. Their is no set rules. The Wiccan rede is more like a guideline. Like all spiritual paths Wicca is one way to learn to live. The best way to live pagan - be it Wiccan or other is to be a kind, caring, honest, ethical, and genuine human being. The Wiccan Rede is not really a guideline any more than the ten commandments are guidelines to Christians. It says: "An it harm none, do as thou will." and a lot of people think that gives them license to do whatever they like. However... HARM and NONE are very large concepts, and in fact can be very restrictive, depending on your interpretation of those two words.

What new year in wiccan?

I am going to go out on a limb here and guess your question is in fact "what is the new year in the Wiccan faith?" Most Wiccans and Pagans celebrate Samhain (Oct 31/Nov 1) as our New Year. We all do live in the everyday world where most people follow the Julian calender. So we also celebrate Dec 31/Jan 1 as most of our non-pagan friends do.

We can hail Satan all we want wiccan my cousin a wiccan and I'll say whatever i want so stop telling me how and what to type whoever is giving me feedback on that?

Satanism has got nothing to do with Wicca. Do you claim to be Wiccan? How did you get to that assessment Wicca is a nature based polytheistic religion where we believe in the Wiccan Rede. Harm to none, do as ye will and this includes one-self.. so, if you feel the need to shout satanism at the top of your voice, you are no Wiccan. Maybe look at the Sethians... not satanism but maybe more of a what is seeked... being serious about your religion does not mean being ignorant of others. Listen and grow... U are an insult to us wiccans! we do not worship satan! we mix herbs and create harmony! So u might as well turn into a guy, and become a male warlock! a lieing cheating being.! HEAR HEAR!!!!!!

What is modern witchcraft or wicca?

In a way both are modern. But Wicca is more modern overall - since it is a branch of witchcraft. To better explain - All Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccan. Paganism is the oldest religion involving witchcraft.

What religon is Wicca?

Wicca, is one of a large group of spiritual paths loosely gathered under the umbrella term Paganism. Pagan spiritual paths are: - Mostly earth based, following the cycles of the seasons, the earth and the moon. - Generally polytheistic, both the male and female aspects of deity in many forms and from many pantheons. - Often practice some form of magic or manipulation of naturally occurring powers. Wiccan are recognizable among these groups by their adherence to the "Wiccan Rede" which states, "An it harm none, do as thou will." The term "Wicca" belongs to Wiccan, which is the elemental practice of spells. It's not evil, like most think, rather more at harmony with wildlife. Wicca is the term when describing a Wiccan male or female. There is no difference in gender for the religion. Wicca is not solely about spell work. Some Wiccans do not do spells at all. Also, most Wiccans do not consider themselves witches at all and some think the words are just the same. It is a big bone of discussion and contention amongst Wiccan followers. Wicca is a pagan religion with many different branches, cultures and denominations. So to answer the question "What religion is Wicca?" the answer would be - it is itself. Wicca is a religion and has been recognized as such in the United States since the late 1980's.

Is witchcraft a feminist thing?

Like every other religion or faith tradition, witchcraft has many varieties. Dianic Wicca is a Goddess-centered tradition, and consciously feminist. Alexandrian Wicca and Gardnerian Wicca honor both Gods and Goddesses, and include male witches. Many solitary Wiccans are also feminist. But it would be wrong to assume that all Feminists are Wiccan or that all Wiccans are Feminist.

Do wiccans believe in an afterlife?

Yes. I'm not positive if this is the beleif all around, but I am wiccan and I believe - as many many wiccans do - that when you die, you return to the goddess to await reincarnation. This is where I become unsure of what everyone else believes though, my full beleif: When you die, you return to the goddess where you are pretty much in paradise, and when you are there, you can remember all past lives. You stay there until you believe you are ready to be reincarnated, or you can become a spirit guide(the last part is restricted to those who have been reincarnated 9 times i think.) Hope i was helpful

Are Wiccan practices Satanist?

No, Satan is an entity in the Christian faith. Wicca predates Christianity. The idea of wiccans of witchs being associated with Satan or black magick comes from a certain group of wiccans who wanted to change the religion into how they wanted it. The magick they performed was very dark, this made it alot more noticeable. So from one group it spread to more evil people wanting to perform black magic. Soon the christians saw all wiccans as evil and burnt any to death. This is why witches/wiccans are seemed as evil. I added a comment below, read it please.