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No, a child does not have to be baptized on Easter unless they would like to be.

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Q: Does a child's baptism have to take place at the Easter vigil?
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When are catechumens received into the Catholic Church?

Usually at the Easter Vigil catechumens will receive the Rites of Initiation--that is, the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.

At what special vigil do adults and older children receive the sacrament of confirmation along with baptism and the Eucharist?

Those things are sometimes done at the Easter Vigil.

Which sacrament is giving during the Easter Vigil Mass?

On Easter Sunday, adult catechumens are given the sacrament of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation.

Wht is the night-watch of the resurrection?

The Easter Vigil

Is the Easter vigil a day of holy obligation for Catholics?

No, but Easter is, so you can go to mass at the Vigil and have your Easter obligation fulfilled.

What does the renewal of baptism mean?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere is no such thing as a "renewal of baptism", there is a renewal of Baptismal vows, which is done every year at the Easter Vigil, and at other times on special occasions. It is the solemn renewal of these promises.

How is water used in the Easter vigil?

Water is used in the Easter Vigil to baptize the new members of the church.

Where does Easter Vigil occur at night?

Everywhere! That is why it is called a vigil.

Is the Catholic Vigil Mass usually longer than a regular Mass?

Yes, the Catholic Vigil Mass, also known as the Easter Vigil, is typically longer than a regular Mass. It is a special liturgical celebration that takes place the night before Easter Sunday and includes multiple Scripture readings as well as the administration of sacraments such as baptism and confirmation. The Easter Vigil can last several hours compared to a typical Mass which usually takes around an hour.

Do adults and older children receive the sacrament of confirmation along with baptism and the Eucharist?

Usually those sacraments are done separately, but they can be done together, often at the Easter Vigil.

Can baptism be done during advent in the catholic church?

Yes, although most Pastors discourage the practice.Canon 856 of the Code of Canon Law says that, although Baptism may be celebrated on any day, it is commendable to celebrate it ordinarily on Sunday or, if possible, at the Easter Vigil. The Code also encourages Baptism during the celebration of the Eucharist so that the relationship between Baptism and Eucharist will be clearly seen.Since Lent is sufficiently close to Easter, most Pastors recommend that the baptism be performed at Easter.

What represents the light of The Lord at the Easter vigil?

The Easter Candle