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No it goes to Adam..There are 14 generations from Adam to David and 14 to Jesus.

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Q: Does Matthew trace Jesus' geneaology back to abram?
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Did Jesus bloodline come from Abraham's?

Abraham was probably a mythical figure. The genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 (which conflict with each other) trace Jesus' lineage through Joseph, Mary's husband; however, the Gospels claim that Joseph was not Jesus' father.

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Trace the line of Jesus from Adam?

there can be no direct trace from Adam after hes creation and the union of eve produced two boys cane and able

How far back does each gospel trace Jesus' ancestry?

Matthew's Gospel traces Jesus' ancestry through the male line from his father Joseph, then Joseph's father Jacob, and back through the great Zorobabel, son of Salathiel, then Jechonias, to David and finally Abraham.Luke's Gospel traces Jesus' ancestry through the male line from his father Joseph, then Joseph's father Heli, and back through the great Zorobabel, son of Salathiel, then Neri, to David and finally Adam.Matthew says that there were 28 generations from David to Jesus, and 41 generations from Abraham to Jesus. Luke says that there were 42 generations from David to Jesus, and 77 generations from Adam to Jesus. Both genealogies contain significant discrepancies against the Old Testament genealogies and, needless to say, neither account is likely to be historically accurate.

Who does Luke trace Jesus genealogy to?

The Gospel of Luke traces Jesus' lineage through the line of David all the way to the first man, Adam. (Luke 3.23-38)

Does the Bible say Jesus was Jewish?

Yes, though they are at variance, the genealogies in both Matthew's and Luke's Gospel trace Jesus' lineage through Israel whose other name was Jacob, making Jesus racially Jewish (Matt 1:2, Luke 3:34) Luke also notes Jesus being dedicated at the temple, meaning that his parents raised him in at least a nominally observant Jewish household. (Luke 2:22). He never repudiated this, and instead of denying the laws of Moses, claimed to fulfill them (Matt 5:17).

How many brothers or sisters does he has?

Moses had a brother Aaron and a sister Miriam:-Exo 4:14 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, behold, he cometh forth to meet thee: and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.Exo 15:20 And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.

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No - John B. Timberlake died in 1828 (either of pulmonary disease or suicide) while at sea; the head of the Timberlake Family Association, which traces the Timberlake geneaology, has stated publicly that he can trace Justin Timberlake's lineage back no further than 1867.

Salmon Boaz father what is his background?

It is believed that he was a general in Joshua army. If you investigate in Matthew and trace back it will lead you around but keep studing it because it is not plainly written.

What name suits baby boys with blue eyes?

Barrack Obama. ummm.... haole boii josh trace jace jhonavan jordan but i like matthew/matt better

Where Jesus walked still exist?

Yes, very much so. You can still visit Galilee where Jesus did most of his ministry and spend time on the hillside (where the sermon on the mount was preached) or in the ruins of the synagogue at Capernaum (where Jesus preached). In addition, the old part of the city of Jerusalem has hardly changed since Jesus' time and so you can trace his steps through the city where many important events occurred such as the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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Shane Trace goes by Trace.