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Experience tells us that God does not speak to us through our dreams. Perhaps he once did, just as The Bible says, or perhaps the Bible's stories were easier to explain if they had God communicating through dreams.

Another perspective:God speaks to us through the Bible. However, dreams are often the subconscious mind's way of helping our conscious mind "put two and two together," and there's a great deal of that to be done with Bible study.

It's quite possible for the Bible student to have a dream that makes a connection the conscious mind missed, and wake with a new understanding or fresh perspective. In this metaphorical sense, if no longer the literal, God may indeed "speak to us through dreams."

On the other hand, there's no good reason to think that God literally, directly "speaks to us" through dreams. Those who make such claims usually relate that God "told" them something completely incompatible with Scripture.

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There is - obviously - no independent proof that he does.

Nor is there any independent proof that he does not.

If person "A" claims to have have a dream or vision which was sent by God, who can say they did?

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