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Q: Does Church of Christ believe the dead go immediately to heaven or hell?
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Why do some Christians believe that when you die you go to heaven immediately rather than when Christ returns?

From their perspective it will be instantaneous.

What do Methodists believe about heaven?

Methodists believe that if you have a personal relationship with Christ and have been baptized then your soul will go to heaven to live with Christ forever.

What do Mormons believes happens if we don't commit our lives to Jesus?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that those who do not accept salvation through Jesus Christ will not spend eternity in heaven with God.

Did the Roman Catholic Church believe that their emperor represented Jesus Christ on Earth?

.Roman Catholic AnswerOf course not! The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Our Blessed Lord to lead all people to heaven, it has no emperor!

Do Mormons believe knowing a Jew will help them get into heaven?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that "there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ" (Book of Mormon, Helaman 5:9. Also see Mosiah 3:17 and Alma 38:9). Mormons, like all Christians, believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.

Do Mormon husbands decide Heaven or Hell for wife?

No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that Jesus Christ is the final judge of all mankind and that only He may decide if a person will be saved or damned.

What is the momon belief about God and Satan?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that God is our Father in Heaven, and that He is the creator of all things. They believe that Satan is a son of God who was disobedient and 'fell from heaven' to become the devil. You can learn more about what Mormons believe about God and Satan at the "Related Links" below.

Why is the church of Christ the only ones going to heaven?

It is not the church you belong to that determines if you go to heaven or not. What determines if you go to heaven is that you believe what God has said about His Son Jesus Christ and have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. The best place to find what God has said about His Son, Jesus is in the four Gospels in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. In short, Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for your sin, He was buried and was resurrected the third day. All who believe in Him will be saved. Not just a head belief, but a heart belief.

Where is the church?

The Church is body of Christ. It is universal that is both in heaven and on earth.

Do Episcopal people believe in God and heaven?

Yes, Episcopalians believe in God as the creator of the universe and in heaven as a place of eternal life and communion with God. The Episcopal Church is a Christian denomination that upholds traditional Christian beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, and the afterlife.

Why do women believe their husband chooses if they can go to Heaven in Mormonism?

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and have never heard any doctrine, read any scripture, or seen any Church material that claims that a husband can choose whether or not his wife will go to "heaven". Also keep in mind, the "Mormon" view of heaven is very different than the traditional Christian view of heaven. I guess some women might believe that, but that is not a belief of the church as a whole. We believe that any person will make it to heaven based on his or her own personal choices, and the atonement of Christ. None of it is based on whether or not some other human thinks we made it or not. If the husband isn't doing the right things, and the wife is, he can't keep her from heaven.

Do Mormons believe life goes on after death marriage and children llike here on earth?

Mormons (Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) believe that when we are married it is forever and that in Heaven we are bonded. Yes