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No. Atheism simply means "without god(s)"

Atheism is the philosophical position of not believing - so there can be no beliefs.

We need to define "belief" as well. Belief is accepting as true something for which there is no evidence. Most people confuse "believe for "know" "think" or "understand."

Atheists believe that humans are nothing more than dust and electones. They believe that nothing more than matter exists (and that even the human soul is something like an evolved higher-level of matter). They BELIEVE that nothing more than physical laws and particles exist in the Universe. Having that as a starting point, they cannot find anything 'spiritual' in the world and they thus deny to accept the existence of anything of that nature. They cannot understand that if you axiomatically say "the world is consisted of A, B and C only", then you cannot ever find "D" as a component of the world, no matter how much you search...As Erwin Schrödinger said in "Nature and the Greeks": Modern science has excluded human from its initial axiomatic theory of the universe and thus, cannot find human anywhere in the equation...

One poster has misunderstood atheism. Atheists see that there is no evidence to support any view that humans are nothing more than dust and other things. But I know of no atheist who denies that energy exists. Evidence for the existence of the human soul (or any other kind of soul) is likewise absent. The simple fact is that no evidence ever turned up by anyone in the entire history of humankind has ever suggested that any god(s) or souls exist. Or that anything other than the physical laws (so far discovered) apply to our universe.

Should evidence arise to the contrary, many atheists would change their views. We await such discoveries. But we're not holding our breath: 3,000 years and counting.. the odds don't look good.

Atheism is not a religion. It is a lack thereof. So it cannot have any 'beliefs'.
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Atheism is everywhere in modern society. There is no country in the world where atheists can not be found. In some European countries it is reported that more than half the population hold no religious beliefs. Atheism is less common in poor, emerging nations where some still hold on to ancient traditional beliefs, while others follow Christian missionaries who assert that atheism is not an option in a civilised country.

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No. In and of itself atheism is simply the absence of any belief in gods. It is a benign intellectual choice. Some people with strong religious beliefs may find that offensive but atheism itself is not the offender. Also, there may be some people who are atheists who are offensive but that is true of any group of people and is not caused by atheism but by human nature.

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