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Allah answers everyone's Dua's. You just have to ask Him from your heart and with a good intention.

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Q: Does Allah answer childrends duas
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Whose duas are specially accepted in Islam?

The Duas (praying) are especially accepted, per Allah will, from those who are oppressed, deprived from their rights, in hajj and especially at Arafat on hajj, praying around Kaba, and in the night salt.

How do you know your dua is accepted?

ASA.. I have been seacrhing the net to find the answers to the same question.. I want to confirm my feelings.. I have been praying for a request to be granted by ALLAH S.W.T for a number of days, I have been doing everything to ensure my Duas will Inshallah be accepted and answered. Although nothing has materialsed as yet, I have since yesterday been taken over by a sense of calmness and Peace, and its an inner feeling that is convincing me that Inshallah, my Duas have been accepted, and with Patience I will Inshallah see them materialise. I have not stopped making the Dua... because I don't think its ever enough.. But in order to increase your chances of the Duas being accepted, you must TRULY believe that ALLAH AlMighty will listen and Inshallah accept. Its also adviceable to search the net for ways of increasing your chances of the Duas to be accepted. And Inshallah Allah will accept all our Prayers & Duas. AMEEN. &&& a motherz dua for her child is never rejected + one hu sheds even one tear when makin dua,it gets accepted.basicly cry FM the heart!

How do you know that your dua is accepted?

ASA.. I have been seacrhing the net to find the answers to the same question.. I want to confirm my feelings.. I have been praying for a request to be granted by ALLAH S.W.T for a number of days, I have been doing everything to ensure my Duas will Inshallah be accepted and answered. Although nothing has materialsed as yet, I have since yesterday been taken over by a sense of calmness and Peace, and its an inner feeling that is convincing me that Inshallah, my Duas have been accepted, and with Patience I will Inshallah see them materialise. I have not stopped making the Dua... because I don't think its ever enough.. But in order to increase your chances of the Duas being accepted, you must TRULY believe that ALLAH AlMighty will listen and Inshallah accept. Its also adviceable to search the net for ways of increasing your chances of the Duas to be accepted. And Inshallah Allah will accept all our Prayers & Duas. AMEEN. &&& a motherz dua for her child is never rejected + one hu sheds even one tear when makin dua,it gets accepted.basicly cry FM the heart!

When was Duas Vozes created?

Duas Vozes was created in 1984-06.

When was Duas Caras created?

Duas Caras was created on 2007-10-01.

When was Duas Mulheres created?

Duas Mulheres was created on 2010-06-24.

When did Duas Caras end?

Duas Caras ended on 2008-05-31.

What is the special rewards for performing charity during the month of Ramadan?

You get a lot of good deeds. And of course Allah swt is the one who gives the rewards, he can make you ace your exams, he can accept your repentence, and of course he can accept your duas.

What are the ratings and certificates for Duas Caras - 2007?

Duas Caras - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: Brazil:14

What does Faz em duas semanas mean in English?

Fazem duas semanas means, it has been two weeks.

What actors and actresses appeared in Duas Aranhas - 2008?

The cast of Duas Aranhas - 2008 includes: Filipa Cruz as Andreia

What are the ratings and certificates for Duas Caras - 2007 1-1?

Duas Caras - 2007 1-1 is rated/received certificates of: Brazil:12