He said he was the King of all the Jews.
I personally think that you should just ask her what she is upset about, and try to be the bigger man and understand her problem:)
I think you should talk to her about it and tell her how you feel
The Jews accused Jesus of violating the Sabbath's "no work" law.
happy doesnt want willy to get upset
You should not drive while angry or upset.
I think we all would be upset if a communist took any of our leaders' ears.
Yes, Jesus greatly upset the religious rulers of the day who did not appreciate him exposing their hypocrisy and legalism. The messages of Jesus continues to upset people today resulting in the persecution and intolerance levelled against His teachings and followers, even by those who are tolerant of the teachings of other religious leaders.
Montezuma's Revenge. You should see a doctor.
Only if you think she should be upset any time you find another girl attractive. It's not an issue as long as she's not out talking with him, alone with him, etc. Have some trust, I think. Keep an open eye of course, but don't be upset until you're sure there's reason to be.
Many of the Jewish people were scared and upset, mainly after the curtain tore in two, and the darkness . They said Jesus was truly the son of God. Pilate was greatly upset so much so that he committed suicide.
the Christians are upset, because the davinci code is pretty much saying jesus was a phoney and went against things he believed in.