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The moneychangers were doing an important function in the operation of the Temple and their presence was approaved, even required, by the priests who ran the Temple. They had yhe right to be there.

If Jesus thought otherwise, he could have complained to the priests or arranged peaceful protests. We are taught it is a sin to attack others or disrupt their lawful occupation. This is what Jesus is said to have done.

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Q: Do you think Jesus was right to overthrow the tables of the traders in the temple?
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Why was jesus angry with the temple traders?

Jesus was angry with the temple traders because they were exploiting worshippers by selling goods and changing money inside the temple, which was meant to be a place of prayer and worship. He viewed their actions as a corruption of the sanctity of the temple.

How many times did Jesus clear the temple?

Jesus cleaned the temple only once. When he made a rope and chased the animals from the temple and overturned the money changer and their tables.

Was Jesus ever violent?

The bible says that jesus drove the traders from the temple. This is the only time he got angry andraised his hands.

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Jesus upturned the money lenders tables in the temple:)

How many times did Jesus cleanse the Temple in the New Testament?

In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple just before his arrest and trial - in fact this was the final trigger for his arrest. In John, Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple right at the beginning of his three-year minnistry. In all cases, the cleansing of the Temple only occurred once.

What was a temple when jesus lived?

Yes, at the age of 12 Jesus wandered off from his parents and was listening to the teachers at the temple, also speaking to them; they were impressed with his knowledge. Also, after the death of John the Baptist, Jesus overturned the moneychangers' tables in the temple, thus angering them and prompting their decision to kill Him.

Why did Jesus overthrow the tables?

It wasn't what they were doing, it was where they were doing it. There are some things that shouldn't happen in the house of God, and those that use God's name to promote their own pockets will be judged for it.

Where does the Bible talk about Jesus turning over the tables in the temple?

(Matthew 21:12) . . .And Jesus entered into the temple and threw out all those selling and buying in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.(Mark 11:15) . . .Now they came to Jerusalem. There he entered into the temple and started to throw out those selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves;(John 2:13-16) . . .Now the passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And he found in the temple those selling cattle and sheep and doves and the money brokers in their seats. So, after making a whip of ropes, he drove all those with the sheep and cattle out of the temple, and he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. And he said to those selling the doves: "Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise!"NWT

The interpretation of verses 13-22 of John 2?

AnswerThis passage begins with the "cleansing of the Temple". In the synoptic gospels, it occurred just before the arrest and trial of Jesus, and in fact was largely the reason for that arrest. In John, Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple right at the beginning of his three-year minnistry.The author of John's Gospel is well known for his indulgence in plays on words. All the gospels were written after the destruction of the Temple, and so, beginning with Mark, incorporate a prophecy that the Temple would be destroyed. However, to John, the real temple is the body, so he has Jesus refer to his own future crucifixion and resurrection. He says that if you destroy this temple (which the Jews understand to be the Temple in which Jesus overturned the tables, but which he really meant to be his own body) then in three days he would raise the temple up again. john says that later, after the resurrection, the disciples remembered Jesus' words and believed.

The tables of the temple money changers?

In the Bible, the incident involving Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple is found in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John. It is a symbolic act of cleansing and condemnation of the corruption and exploitation that had entered the temple. Jesus's actions demonstrated his opposition to the commercialization of religious practices and his desire for true worship.

What violence did Jesus commit in the temple?

According to the gospels, Jesus entered the Temple and overturned the tables of themoneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves for sacrifice. He made a scourge and used it to drive the moneychangers out of the Temple. In the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) this event created the reason for the religious authorities to arrest Jesus. In John, this event was moved to the beginning of the mission of Jesus and was instead the opportunity for Jesus to announce to the religious authorities the challenge to their authority that would be his mission.

Where did Jesus get angry?

A:In the gospels, Jesus could be both irrational and angry. For example, Mark 11:13-15 tells of Jesus cursing a fig tree for not bearing fruit out of season. Most famously, Jesus angrily overturned the tables of the monechangers in the Temple, even though they were performing a necessary duty sanctioned by the Temple priests.