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Yes, you remain a born again Christian. Salvation is a free gift, a gift from God. We don't keep ourselves saved. God keeps us. Just as God saves, God is the One who is going to keep us. We are eternally secure!

After God saves us, he cleans us up (starting on the inside), and He will clean up our sin over our lifetime. Read the Word of God, believe and trust His Word. He will use His Word to clean up your life.

God hates our sin. As born again Believers, we will still sin, but it will become less and less, as God cleans up the sin in our lives. If we sin, we confess our sin to God (1 John 1:9). to restore our fellowship with Him, but we never lost our salvation. God is faithful even when we are faithless.

We are no longer under condemnation because we are resting in Jesus Christ alone for our sins and for eternal life. He was our substitute on the cross. God took His wrath out on Jesus Christ instead of us. He paid the price. He did it all. Enjoy your relationship with Jesus Christ knowing that you are forever secure in HIM.

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