No. Although at the service the parents usually go up to Communion with the First Communicant. You only need a sponsor for Confirmation.
In the christian Community, for a child to be sponsored for communion. He most be at the right age and most be baptized. A parent or the caretaker of the child can sponsor such child for communion.
to be a catholic in good standing, meaning that you go to church on sunday, and i believe you go to some sessions with the communicant before the first communion, and i think when they receive communion you place your hand on them. It is awesome,girl or boy!
No, the Church requires that a sponsor be a practicing Catholic. A person married outside the Church would not be in full communion with the Church and could not be a sponsor.
Neither parent is required to be present at a child's First Holy Communion.
Catholics do not 'take' communion, they 'receive' communion. Yes, you must be a baptized Catholic to receive communion in a Catholic Church. Also, you must have undergone instruction and received your First Holy Communion.
It is the First time you receive Holy Communion. You need to be of proper age, be baptised, and know all the facts of Holy Communion (Such as the real presence of Christ) to receivel presence of Christ though.
No, you would need to be confirmed to be a sponsor.
You need to be baptized Catholic, and have made your first Holy Communion, you need to be in a state of grace, otherwise, you need to go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. You must be fasting for one hour prior to receiving Holy Communion. If divorced, you need to get an annulment before attempting marriage again. If married, you need to be married before a Catholic priest, or dispensed from such by your Bishop.
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Communion means reconciliation with one another and with God.So every place can be the place of communion.
Nobody can take Holy Communion in a Catholic Church, you may only receive Holy Communion from the priest, and then only if you have been baptized in the Catholic Church and previously made your first Confession and First Holy Communion. Bottom line? An Anglican may not take communion in a Catholic Church.